Storm damage from the other night

With everything we had going on yesterday I hadn't noticed the storm damage until this morning. The roof leaked again, and only this time it was enough to collapse a large section of the sofit in my old office (now used for storage) . The ceiling is getting worse and the sofit has definitely seen better days. Not sure how or when I'll get to this repair, especially since I can't figure out where it's coming from. The roof is only 2 years old so this is especially frustrating. If I get this fixed I would love to reclaim my office. Until next time.... ;-) - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote…


Childhood disintegrative disorder

Important note: See Resentment,Grief and Guilt (A very honest post) for background. Reading that first, will help to put the rest of this post into perspective. Childhood disintegrative disorder Today has been one of those days. You know,  the kind that just seems to literally come out of nowhere and yank the rug out from underneath you. I met with Dr. R, Gavin's psychiatrist, this afternoon. It was just supposed to be a routine medication check. We were discussing some of the things that we were concerned about with Gavin. I broached the subject of childhood disintegrative disorder as a possible explanation for Gavin's continued regression. The last thing in the world I was expecting to hear was Dr. R actually agree with me. He said that he has been thinking this was a possibility…


How a “Sharpie” can provide independence

As smart as Elliott is he still struggled with putting his shoes on the correct foot. For whatever reason it was something that just wouldn't click. So I decided to help him gain a bit more independence the other day and it has worked out quite well. I took a dark pinkish red Sharpie and colored a small oval on outside of each shoe on the sole, as pictured below. Elliott now has zero problems putting his shoes on the correct foot and can now get himself completely dressed. I thought I would share this little trick in case you are having similar issues and haven't tried this yet. It worked well for us. By the time we replace his shoes for the new school year he should have it…

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I was contacted by Google

I was contacted by a project manager at Google last week. He said that he noticed my blog, was reading it and found it very moving. He said he wanted to add me to their authorship program. Needless to say I was really excited, even before I understood what it is. I made the necessary changes to the site and I was notified today that I'm now up and running. It will take a while to index the entire blog as it's several hundred pages but it's happening as you read this. Basically, it's now easier then ever to locate Lost and Tired via Google. If you would like to see for yourself simply click here or do a Google search for Lost and Tired. Now, keep in mind that…


How has Lizze been doing?

I thought it was fitting to update everyone on how Lizze was doing, you know, in general. To sum it all up in a few words....not really good. Lizze has been dealing with a great deal of pain lately. Her migraines are also raging almost every day. They are however, are least for now, responding to her pain meds. I suppose if there was a silver lining that would be it. However, there is some bad news as well. Her tremors have gotten worse and are no longer subdued by her current level of medication. As a result the medication treating the tremors had to be increased. It seems to be helping but the side effect is that she is sleeping a lot more. Hopefully this is a temporary thing…


Happy 31st Birthday Lizze!!!!!

Today Lizze turns 31. In those 31 years she has experienced more then most will in a lifetime. I hope today is peaceful and pain free for her. Even if it's just for today. Love you honey. Happy Birthday - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Weekend update 7/17/2011

It has been a long and trying weekend. We were suprised this morning with a phone call from my parents. They wanted to take the boys to see my grandma in Y-Town. This was a welcomed suprise as I had a ton of things to do today. Lizze got to sleep most of the day and she needed that. I got the grocery shopping done and then quite a bit of yard work as well. While it was weekend filled with challenge, it was also filled with some progress and that doesn't happen very often. Thanks for the help Mom and Dad. I ALao want to thank Lizze's parents for taking Gavin for a few days this past week. We all needed the break. - Lost and Tired Post by…


Teach your child to dial 9-1-1 from your cell phone

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT.  Teach your child how to make the call to 9-1-1 My past experience as a firefighter/paramedic has taught me many things. I'm able to respond to emergency situations that others would struggle with. I was trained to make split second, life and death decisions (literally). I was thinking the other day while I was working on Android4Autism and something dawned on me. Many people out there have cut out their landline or house phones in lieu of their cell phone. That's great and it makes sense. However, in the advent of this gravitation towards new technology, I fear we may have possibly overlooked something very important. Many of us have stickers or magnets for emergency service numbers like, 9-1-1 here in the States (or at least Ohio)…