The CDD Journey: Very Concerning News

Childhood disintegrative disorder: Very Concerning News   I'm going to keep this short as I'm completely drained at the moment. As you are probably aware, we were at the Cleveland Clinic this afternoon in order to get an evaluation for childhood disintegrative disorder. If you new and need to get caught up, see this post and you'll pretty much be up to speed. We didn't have to wait very long after we arrived to be seen. Gavin was however, Honestly, he just would not stop talking and it was mostly random, unrelated thoughts. When we met with the pediatric neurologist, she didn't seem to know why we were there. I was a bit confused by that but she was very interested so everything was okay there. We went over Gavin's entire life.…


Fun fact: 7/25/2011

The Serenity Prayer seems to be broken for me today.  I've said it over and over today but it doesn't seem to help.  I say that because Gavin is still driving me crazy.  Let me clarify,  Gavin's behaviors are driving me crazy.  Just so we're clear.  :-) I'm now in the market for an "easy button".  Maybe that will help. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


The CDD Journey: We have arrived

We have arrived at the Cleveland Clinic. Now we wait and register. Gavin is on edge and struggling to maintain himself,  if that even makes sense.  He's talking nonstop and can't sit still.  I foresee a meltdown in our future.  I know he's nervous but there is not anything we can do to settle him down.  I think we will have to power through it and hope for the best. Kinda like ripping a bandage off.  - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: Our Journey Begins

  Childhood disintegrative disorder: Our Journey Begins   Shortly after noon today we will begin our journey to discover the truth behind what's happening to our oldest son, Gavin. I'm scrambling today to get as many records as possible on such short notice. I'm really nervous about today and I'm not entirely sure what to expect.  We've been to the Cleveland Clinic countless times already but this time is different. Honestly, if we discover that Gavin does indeed have childhood disintegrative disorder, it won't really change anything.  I mean to that we will be dealing with things we have already been dealing with, only now we would know what to call it. Does that make sense? Getting mentally prepared for a childhood disintegrative disorder evaluation Because this all happened so quickly, we have not…


Emmett’s shirt of the day 7/24/2011

It's been a while since Emmett has worn a shirt long enough for me to get a picture.  Today we make our triumphant return.  So without further delay,  here is Emmett John's shirt of the day. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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Why Autism Awareness is broken

Problem's with Autism Awareness I have been wanting to write this for a while but honestly it seemed to exhausting to do. This has been eating away at me and I need to just get this off my chest and move on. I'm not sure how this will turn out but I want to make a few things very clear as to avoid any misinterpretation. Everyone's problems are relative and I get that. I am by NO MEANS trying to belittle anyones personal experience with Autism and its impact in their lives. Now with that said, there are some things I need to say. Autism and my family I'm the father of 3 Autistic boys. My boys are each in different places on the spectrum (ranging from low functioning to…


Sick and snuggly

My poor little Emmett John still isn't feeling well.  He's still got a fever and and is completely miserable.  He curled up on my chest and feel asleep listening to music. This is how he used to fall asleep when he was younger.  Before his Autism diagnosis we thought he was deaf.  I used to sing to him to help him fall asleep.  I thought at the time he couldn't actually hear me but he could feel my chest vibrate and it would relax him enough that he would fall asleep.  While I'm grateful he can hear,  I miss him falling asleep on my chest.  It's so completely peaceful and some of my most cherished memories.  I'm sorry he's sick but I'm glad I could actually comfort him. - Lost…


Autism and routine

So my little Emmett John is potty trained now.  The problem? Well the problem is that he will NOT use the potty with wearing his clothes. My regular readers will tell you that Emmett won't wear clothes most of the time anyway.  While that's all good while we're are home....well not so much good but easier to manage. When we are out somewhere and Mr. Emmett John has to go potty,  he has a very strict routine he Has to follow each and every time or he won't go. That routine is quite simple.  All his clothes have to come off....period. Emmett, buddy, we have to work on this a little bit.  I'm so proud if you for using the big boy potty but sooner or later you're going to…