Radio Android is raising money for The Autism Society

I'm going to speak tonight on the Radio Android Show about Autism. They are going to be auctioning off special Autism Awareness Beanies tonight to benefit the Autism Society. I've said it a million times but I'll say it again, Autism Awareness is possible and the Android community is a perfect example of this. I have done alot of work with the Android community and I have used my ROM's for the Epic 4G to spread Autism Awareness and it has worked. The Android community is an amazing group of people from all over the world. They have embraced this cause and have become Autism Aware. I'm proud to be a part of this amazing community and I thank them for all the support.   Android is Autism Aware I'm…


My HAMsome boys ;-)

We took the boys to see Rio in 3D at the $1 Theater. Things were starting to go down hill again and so I wanted to change the course of the say. Gavin wasn't in the mood to be in a picture but Elliott and Emmett both are sporting their 3D glasses. They turn into HAMS in front of the camera. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Reality Autism: Through the eyes of Margie

I would like to introduce you to Margie. Margie is author of two blogs Tired Mom and Speaking On The Spectrum and mother of two.     She wants to share with you what her experience was learning of her child's diagnosis. It's so important to share our stories and Margie is about to let you see Autism through her eyes. Be sure to check out her blogs to read more of her story. Thank you Margie for allowing us step into your shoes for a few minutes and briefly share your life. Also if you are interested in sharing your story here, contact me, and I will be happy to help. The Day My Whole World Turned Upside Down When my daughter was a year old, I knew something was wrong. She stopped smiling, she stopped saying "mama" and "dada," and…


It’s going to be one of those nights…sigh

Everyone was in bed and I was finishing a few emails that I wanted to respond to. Everyone was sleeping upstairs tonight because it seemed a bit cooler and much more comfortable then it has been the past few days. However, that was short lived as it was clearly still to hot for Elliott. He woke up soaking wet with sweat, coughing and hacking. He had over heated and was having a kind of disoriented night terror type thing. It's such a helpless feeling when you can't console your child. We tried to give him some Benadryl to dry out the runny nose and post nasal drip but he wasn't having it. However, coming downstairs and cooling off has helped. He's now asleep on the couch and no longer coughing.…


One of those days

One of those days. That about sums it up. Today has just been nonstop appointment after appointment.  Lizze had therapy in the morning then Emmett had speech and OT. I got a call while Emmett was in therapy this morning for computer repair.  So after Emmett was done I had to to pick up the laptop,  get the parts at Best Buy and then fix it.  I got the whole thing done in 3 hours.  I dropped it back off and got home in time to get the kids to Lizze's mom so we could meet with Dr.  Pattie tonight. The kids just just got home Lizze is getting Emmett in bed and I'm letting the boys play XBOX for a few minutes before bedtime.  As soon as I get…


How we can fix Autism Awareness

    This is the follow up to Why Autism Awareness is broken post. Please be sure to read that post first before moving on to this one.  "How can we as members of the Autism community ever expect the world to understand when we can’t even be on the same page ourselves. We preach to the world that every Autistic child is different and that’s very true. However, these words become empty if we fail to apply them within our own Autism community. As parents we make the mistake of generalizing things much the same way our kids do. We generalize our experience with Autism and its impact on the family and transpose that across the board. In other words, we assume that other peoples experience mirrors that of our own. That’s a…


Reality is beginning to set in

After a physically and emotionally draining day and a restless night reality is beginning to set in. Right now I feel kind of numb and disconnected. My head is swimming with thoughts and fears about this new direction our journey is taking us on. I don't know where we are going now. I've lost all sense of direction. For the longest time, we have been fighting the same exact fight, day in and day out. We never really won the battle but we always lived to fight another day. Some might call that in and of itself a victory. Perhaps under better circumstances I would as well. However, right now I'm just Lost and Tired. I'm completely overwhelmed by what I know lies in front of us and terrified of…


Reality Autism: Neurotypical Mom

In an effort to help spread Autism Awareness, I will be helping those that wish to share their story.          I want to introduce you to Carolyn, mother of two and author of Neurotypical Mom: Life with Z. Note: I have not edited this in any way. This is Autism through Carolyn's eyes and in her own words. Please show your support for her courage and visit her blog and add her to your blog roll. Also if you are interested in sharing your story here, contact me, and I will be happy to help.   This is Carolyn's Reality Autism  Autism through my eyes...the agony and the ecstasy.   My son Z is adorable, smart, charming, hilarious and sweet and is also hands down the biggest challenge I have ever had in…