Gavin’s health crisis: Immunology 8/8/2011

We learned last week that Gavin has a severely compromised immune system. His IgM and IgG antibodies are less than half of what they are supposed to be. He is currently being treated for pneumonia and chronic sinusitis. They also believe there is an asthma component as well so he has started with an inhaler this past weekend. It actually seems to help. Gavin says it's easier to breathe now so that's good. We didn't know he was having trouble before but I'm not sure he realized that either, if that makes any sense. At this point we don't know for sure what's causing this but we do know that he now needs monthly antibody infusions. I believe it's called IV IgG and basically, they take donor antibodies and infuse…


What is Occupational Therapy? (part 3)

Welcome to part 3 of my What is Occupational Therapy mini-series. Today I'm sharing some more of Emmett's OT (Occupational Therapy) sessions with you. I hope this helps you to have a little better understanding of some of the things that take place during an OT session. Keep in mind that these sessions are geared for Emmett's particular sensory needs, so it may be different for your child. In this video Emmett is doing Bounce and Crash. This helps Emmett with his need for deep pressure or impact type sensory needs. I think this is by far Emmett's favorite OT exercise. My goal here is to allow people to experience things that they may not otherwise have a chance to experience. I also want to help parents that may be new to this journey…


Another long night ahead

Emmett has spiked a fever again and I just had to give Gavin a breathing treatment. I couldn't get Gavin to cooperate with the treatment as he was to way to out of it. I'm not sure how much he actually got. I'll have to try again in 4 hours. Oh....and my allergies are going nuts for some reason. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


We actually had company today

Lizze's best friend from high school, Yvette, came over today and brought her daughter Sayge. Lizze and Yvette haven't seen each other since shortly after Gavin was born. This was a long overdue reunion and hopefully the first of many. The boys loved playing with Dagger, especially Emmett. I haven't seen Lizze this happy in a very long time. I'm excited that she has this part of her life back. Now all we have to do is get Nikky, Lizze and Vette together. Lizze would absolutely love that. We never, ever have company. No one ever comes to visit us, so this was a very pleasant experience for all involved. I was a pleasure meeting you Yvette and Sayge. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus…


We’re on a victory roll

I meant to share this the other day but with the new Gavin crisis it got lost in the shuffle. So here it is. Lizze has a thing for pens. She has hundreds of pens and markers. Each one has a special purpose. Anyway, she has this one pen with little post-its built. They are basically little strips of paper. Emmett got a hold of it and started pulling out the paper. When I caught him I got it away from him so he didn't waste the paper. If I had realized what he was doing I would have let it go. As it turns out, Emmett was using the little post-it strips to spell out his name. When I took the pen away he got upset and wiped most…


Little ripples lead to big wave

While this may not seem like a big deal to many people but I assure you it's a big deal for the Lost and Tired family. We have been struggling for a very long time with getting the kids to try new foods. They don't stray very far from chicken nuggets and dry Ramon Noodles. What is it with dry Ramon Noodles and Autism? Elliott and Emmett in particular are extremely picky eaters. They don't like thw texture of many foods. For some reason out of the blue, Elliott asked for a turkey sandwich. Typically, when Elliott says he wants to try something, he backs out at the last minute and decides he doesn't want to try it. I wasn't holding out hope but I had to go to the…


Help keep Autism Awareness on top

Please help me to keep my blog in the #1 Spot on the Fence. We need an Autism related blog to stay on top. Please help me to spread Awareness and share my story by simply clicking the button to cast your vote for Lost and Tired. I'm competing against several Give-A-Way blogs right now. I have nothing to offer except information and insight. If you wish to support my mission to spread Autism Awareness PLEASE vote to keep Lost and Tired in the top spot. There is no prize for being in first place. It just brings attention to the message I have. PLEASE help me spread my message of Autism Awareness by clicking the button below.   Thank You. To cast your vote for Lost and Tired, simply…


Gavin’s new medication

I got a call from Gavin's Allergist/Immunologist yesterday. She thinks that part of Gavin respiratory issues may be tied to Asthma. There has been suspicion in the past about this but nothing ever came of it. Because she is concerned about Gavin's breathing she called in an inhaler and a chamber thingy. I know that sounds really technical but try and follow me ;-) Basically I release medicine from the inhaler into the chamber thingy ans Gavin inhales deeply through the mask. He has to take two hits (another technical term) every four hours. So far it seems to be helping. He says he can breathe easier, so that's a good thing. I thought he would be frightened of the mask as he has been in the past but he…