Does this look like a problem

Would anyone be concerned about this.  Look at Gavin's ankle,  does this look wrong to you?  Lizze pointed out today that it almost looks like he has 4 ankles.  He has large lumps on his foot ankle. This is the same on both feet.  We had him looked at before but we are always told it's from constant abuse. All the stomping and slamming of his feet during his meltdowns.  It just looks painful.  I'm not sure if it's getting worse or not but it looked particularly bad today for some reason. I think we will bring it up the next time we are at the doctor's.  Just wanted some input as to whether or not this seems normal to you...?.. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android…


It was good while it lasted

We have company today. So we made the attempt to get Emmett dressed.  Well he made it about an hour and a half before he just couldn't take it anymore. He comes downstairs and takes his shirt off.  Then his shoes and socks fell to the floor,  followed his pants. Once again Emmett,  leaves his calling card. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Fruits and Veggies any way possible

One of the most difficult parts of raising 3 boys in the spectrum for us is their diet.  Emmett has food allergies so he's restricted and everyone else has texture issues with foods.  I'm always worried about their diets being balanced or healthy enough. Personally,  I love fruit but hate most veggies.  I have taken to making smoothies in order to get my intake of veggies up.  I tried this approach with the boys but it was usually a no go,  with the exception of Gavin. However,  yesterday Emmett decided to help me make my smoothie.  Here is what we added: Kale Spinach Collard Greens Carrots Green beans Blueberries Strawberries Bananas Flax meal Cherries Red grapes Oatmeal Soy milk We blended it all up and Emmett actually drank it.  Hey…


When Autism Awareness truly fails….

When Autism Awareness Truly Fails.... I have been wanting to write this post for a few days but haven't had the energy. However, despite my lack of energy, I feel it's very important to write this because what has happened to my family and Elliott in particular, really does affect more then just us. In fact, I think this has effects all of us within the Autism and special needs community. As I have previously shared, Elliott was barred from transitioning from pre-school to kindergarten at the school he attended last year. You can read some of the back story in When Schools Discriminate. Since that post was written, the school has once again denied Elliott access not because of any issues or behavioral problems. Instead he is being barred simply because he…


Sorry for all the tweets, not sure what happened.

I'm really sorry that all those tweets went out. I have no idea how that happened. Either my accounts were hijacked or my tweet on post plugin went crazy. A bunch of my blog posts were just double tweeted. I have removed the plugin as well as changed all my passwords. I DID not knowingly send out all those tweets but I'm sorry you were all flooded. I'm blocked from posting on twitter until tomorrow cause I'm reached my cap for the day. So I'm not sure how many people will see this. If you wouldn't mind spreading the word about what happened. I don't want anyone upset. I really appreciate it. I have killed the Tweet on Post plugin and changed all my passwords just to be safe. Again,…


The juggling act

I'm going to be very honest and say that I'm beyond overwhelmed right now.  There is just so much going on and not enough time or me for that matter, to go around. We had the whole school debacle and while we had addressed the immediate need of locating Elliott a new school,  I'm not prepared to let this go just yet.  What happened to Elliott is one of the many reasons we need to fix Autism Awareness.  If the public was better educated about the spectrum part of Autism Spectrum Disorder,  this would not have happened to Elliott. Gavin is a mystery,  all wrapped up inside of an enigma and dunked in our obscurity.  I mean,  I've lost track of the number of doctors we have seen on our…


Another day another lesson

I took Gavin to the grocery store again today.  He pushed the cart by himself for most of the time.  He still struggles with the whole paying attention and watching out for others thing but he did much better today.  I try to allow him to do stuff like this whenever I'm in a position to.  I think it's extremely important that Gavin get hands on real life experience whenever possible.  It can honestly be frustrating and to? Every consuming but at the end of the day it's totally worth it. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and…

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