What is Occupational Therapy (part 6)

The activity highlighted in this video is the weighted ball. This my very favorite Occupational Therapy activity, at least from my perspective. Emmett really seems to enjoy both throwing and catching the ball. It provides great feedback to Emmett as well as strengthening his upper body. I would think that he would also increase his coordination as well. Basically, Emmett throws a weighted ball at a trampoline and catches it as it bounces back. The ball he is using in this video weighs about 2 lbs. I believe the other balls weigh in at about 4 and 6 lbs. As Emmett gets bigger and stronger he will move up to the medium sized ball and then to the large ball. We actually have the same trampoline at home, although we…

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What is Occupational Therapy (part 5)

Emmett just started with his new Occupational Therapist the other day. His schedule changed because of school and his original OT will be on maturity leave so we have moved to a new therapist. What I want to show you here is what is being done to help prepare Emmett's body for all the exercises. When Emmett first arrives at the facility, he selects the activities he wants to do today and sticks the little pictures to his board (seen in the video at the bottom right of the screen). Once the activities are selected, the therapist begins to prepare Emmett's body by brushing his skin and manipulating his joints.   This helps to wake up Emmett's arms and legs so he is better equipped to participate in the OT activities. I know it looks…

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Immunology: The Verdict 8/24/2011

The appointment went well.  We found out that Gavin's vitamin D is very low and so we are addressing that.  Gavin is also starting on his new twice a day inhaler.  They attempted to do the pulmonary testing but Gavin wasn't able to follow the directions (despite trying very hard) and so they gave up for today.  We didn't have any scratch testing today which was quite a relief.  We decided to keep the infusions at Akron Children's Hospital instead of doing them at home.  He will actually miss his first day of school because it coincides with his next infusion. As far as the tremors go,  they believed to be neurological in nature and not a side effect related to the infusion. We also got more test results back…


Android4Autism is donating it’s very first device

Lost and Tired  and Android4Autism are very excited to announce the first recipient of an Android4Autism device. The McKay family will be receiving a Samsung Epic 4G fitted with a custom ROM built specifically to meet the needs of children. I had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer McKay by phone yesterday afternoon to make arrangements and explain a bit about this particular device. I'm so happy to be able to provide this device to the McKay family for their daughter, Kiersten. I look forward to delivering this device to them. Here is a quote Jennifer McKay made to a previous post: "My name is Jennifer and I received amazing news yesterday. My 6 year old daughter is going to receive this amazing item. Kiersten is non-verbal and it has been a pretty tough road. Not…


Immunology: The follow up 8/24/2011

We have arrived at Akron Children's Hospital.  Lizze just informed me that she thinks they may be scratch testing today. Fan-freakin-tastic is all I have to say to that.  I knew they were doing the pulmonary testing but not the allergy testing.  If he needs it done then so be it, we'll just deal with it.  However,  I was not prepared for this.  Please God,  let this go well.  I hate having to hold him down.  It will seriously ruin the rest of the day.  I always feel like a monster afterwards. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just…


I turned 33 today.

Today is my birthday,  my 33rd birthday to be exact.  I never envisioned my life going in this direction.  However,  I wouldn't trade places with anyone.....ever.  We don't much planned for today as we will be pretty busy.  Gavin will be at Akron Children's Hospital again today.  He is having a follow up with immunology.  They want to check him out and make sure his body is handling the antibody infusion ok.  As I mentioned before,  Gavin now has tremors but we're not sure if it's related to the infusion. Overall,  he seems to have handled it well.. I'd say that's a positive thing. After Akron Children's Hospital Emmett has therapy.  I know there is something else going on but I can't for the life of me remember. Anyway,  I…


I have some exciting news

I spoke with a very special family today.  They will be the very first recipient of an Android4Autism device. I am very excited to be able to do this. I will have more information in the very near future.  For right now I just wanted to share this with all of you. This is something very special to me and truly worthwhile cause.  Please keep Android4Autism in mind when deciding what to do with your unused Android device. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a…


Emmett and Daddy

Emmett decided to climb onto my shoulders for the very first time. In the past he was always uninterested or afraid. Then the other day I was sitting on the couch and he came up behind me and jumped up on my shoulders.  Just one of those things that some might take for granted but others will appreciate for how wonderful the progress is. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)