The cat that poops chocolate cereal

Is it just me or does this seem wrong to you as well?  This is a bank,  actually a cat bank. To get your money out you push a button on it's back and its butt pops open and grants you access to your money.  In typical Emmett fashion,  he decided to store his cereal inside the cat bank,  instead of using it for money. So all afternoon,  Emmett was reaching his hand into the cat bank's butt and pulling out coco puffs.  Then he would eat them but only after thanking the cat for "pooping chocolate cereal". Cute?  Yes.  Disturbing on some level?  Yes.  One of those moments I will always remember?  Absolutely. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G…


A Lizze update 8/28/2011

I thought I would take a minute and update everyone as to how Lizze is doing. I speak alot about the other things going on that I sometimes overlook what we as parents are going through. Lizze has definitely seen better days.  Her pain is through the roof and the migraines are every single day again. She resists taking her pain medication because she is already so tired all the time and the kids need her more then ever. The problem with that is that we all have to watch her suffer and that is not easy.  She is back to walking with a cane on many days and isn't sleeping well,  even though she sleeps way more then most.  Stress makes everything worse for her and her symptoms become…


PLEASE report this disgusting Facebook page

  UPDATE: Thank you for reporting this page. The picture was just taken down. That's a great start. Anyone know how to get a facebook page pulled? If ever one deserved to be pulled and the user banned, this is it. This is ABSOLUTELY disgusting and the ASSHOLE that started this page has over 30,000 likes. That's means their is over 30,000 people without a moral compass.......or they liked it just to leave a comment about how disgusting it is. Either way the page has been reported over 3000 times and Facebook has done NOTHING about it. I have removed the picture because it is a pictures of someones baby with downs syndrome. There is a horrible caption and I won't share that. I'm truly sorry if this offends anyone…


Acoustic for Autism

Acoustic for Autism   I would like to introduce you all to Acoustic for Autism. I was contacted by Acoustic for Autism's  founder and producer, Louis Gendron. Louis had heard about Android4Autism  and he wanted to donate their entire music collection music to my campaign. Louis and I actually spoke on the phone for over an hour the other night and discovered that we have many things in common, including our passion for raising Autism Awareness and helping others in the Autism community. Louis and I discussed the goals of our respective organizations and shared our experience thus far on our journey to raise our families and reach out to others. I'm going to quote the Acoustic for Autism website because I think they worded what they are all about very…


A new journey begins

Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis For those of you that have been following our story for a little while, you are already aware of the situation with Emmett and his recurring fevers. For those new to my blog, here is a snip-it of background. Basically, Emmett has there recurring bouts of high fever. They last about 7-10 days and usually have no cause.  After the first few days we always take him in to be seen....just to be on the safe side. Emmett's pediatrician has referred Emmett to immunology at Akron Children's Hospital, where he sees Dr. Nancy Wasserbauer, DO.   Dr. Nancy Wasserbauer, DO sees Emmett and Gavin both. She's a fantastic doctor and really takes the time to explain everything to us. She evens returns our calls herself. Because of Gavin recent, diagnosis of Primary immunodeficiency (she said this is what…


Emmett and Android4Autism

You all know how much Emmett loves his Android4Autism device.  He has come a long since first starting out using it. He plays all kinds of game on this thing.  Most of the being educational based games. Today I found him playing Plants vs Zombies.  He is actually playing and winning.  For those of you fimilar with the game you know that for a 3 year old that's pretty darn good.  This is not a typical Android4Autism game but it does require strategy and planning in order to play.  The game is cute and basically you have to decide which type of plants to plant in order to defeat the zombies.  It's actually a really fun game.  Go Emmett get those zombies.  That is something I honestly never imagined myself saying. …


If only I had hair…….

The kids are driving me CRAZY. Well,  Elliott and Emmett are driving me CRAZY. Gavin is actually having a good day.  I would be pulling out my hair, if only I had hair to pull out.  So I guess it's good that I don't. Gavin has always been a challenge but lately he's been doing quite well. He hasn't been self-injuring since his last stay at Akron Children's Hospital towards the end of June.  Elliott has been acting up alot lately.  He's very whiny and emotional.  He worries about everything and is also starting to present with OCD behavior, like repeated hand washing.  I think that the hand washing is actually staring to resolve itself but he is definitely stressed out and not coping well with life right now. Emmett…


Oversimulated and overwhelmed

Elliott is going through a pretty rough time.  He is quite upset that he isn't going back to his old school.  In the typical Elliott fashion,  he wants to understand why he's not going back and I don't really know what to tell him.  All I have done so far is play up all the positives about this change. The truth is however,  that no matter how high functioning he is,  kids in the spectrum often times struggle with change.  Their is a feeling of safety and security in routine or predictability.  When that feeling of safety or security is taken away,  it's like they are thrust into chaos.  Every ASD kid is different but many of the traits follow this same pattern,  even if to a different degree. Right…