Missing school

Emmett will likely miss school tomorrow.  His mouth is full of soars and I don't think he's going to be in the mood to do anything,  let alone school. This is going to be a problem going forward.  With PFAPA he will likely miss a great deal of school.  He can't go to school with a fever and he usually has a fever at least one week and month.  The doctor said that the fevers are likely to increase it frequency as time goes on.  We'll play school by ear in the morning but I'm really not sure what we should do.  He's not spike his fever yet but it should be any time now as he already has the soars in his mouth. Hopefully,  the Prednisone will work and…


Join the Reality Autism support group

I started a Facebook group called Reality Autism about a year ago. This group has about 50 active members and we are all special needs parents or friends or family of a special needs child. This group is closed to the public view in order to ensure it's a safe place to speak your mind. Many people come here to vent to people who never cast judgement because we have all been there. I'm always amazed at how open and honest our members are with each other. We discuss all kinds of things related to special needs parenting from behavioral issues to unsupportive family. We also share the amazing experiences associated with being a special needs parent. One of the coolest things about this group is that some people come by to learn how…


The week ahead 8/29/2011

So I was looking at our calendar after Lizze finished updating it for the week.  We have 12 appointments between now and Thursday of this week. That doesn't include school for Emmett either or anything else thats currently pending. This is one of the more difficult things to balance as special needs parents. There always seems to be a never ending stream of ever increasing appointments. Even though the appointments keep growing the amount ofbtime in the day remains the same. This is going to be a long week,  especially if Emmett is having a PFAPA flare up.  He is going to be a cranky crab,  as he likes to put it,  all week. I'm still in the market for a happy place.  Anyone have any ideas? - Lost and…


Emmett’s PFAPA update 8/29/2011

Lizze just called from the pediatrician's office.  The doctor said the Emmett's mouth is full of soars and it's only going to get worse.  He agrees that this is PFAPA flare up and the fever will likely show up in the next day or so.  We have to start the Prednisone after dinner and try to head this off before it gets worse.  Hopefully,  this will work and we can quash this flare up ASAP because otherwise,  Emmett is going to be miserable and in alot of pain. If this works then we know for sure this is PFAPA.  If the Prednisone doesn't work then we'll have to proceed down the road the Immunologist was hoping to avoid.  We don't know what that means because she didn't say.  Please say…


An Autism Awareness video by Z

An Autism Awareness video by Z A blogging friend of mine, Carolyn of the site Neuortypical Mom: Life with Z has a new post. Her son Z, has a message for everyone. I think it's really cool that he wanted to do this. Carolyn would like to share this video as her son Z, is trying to spread Autism Awareness. I absolutely love when the kids get involved, especially when they share their personal feelings and experiences. Your a really great example Z. Keep up the great work. Be sure to check out Neuortypical Mom: Life with Z and read more about Carolyn and Z. Thanks Carolyn and Z for sharing this video with all of us.   [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_19Nt9M8ZI[/youtube]

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Unplanned trip to the pediatrician

Emmett has open soars in his mouth now.  This is a symptom of PFAPA as I mentioned yesterday or the day before. However,  he is not running a fever at this time but is in alot of discomfort due to the open soars in his mouth. Since he isn't running the fever we aren't sure if we should give him the Prednisone or not.  We can't get into immunology today so the pediatrician would like to see him.  So we will be off to the doctor's in a short while. Not sure what,  if anything,  he can do but maybe he can point us in the right direction.  Poor Emmett is having a rough time chewing anything right now but doesn't understand why.  He's getting frustrated,  which means he's also…


Emmett’s shirt of the day 8/29/2011

Welcome to another edition of Emmett's Shirt of The Day.  Haven't had many of these recently because....well... Emmett wouldn't wear any clothes.  However,  with school back in session,  he's wearing clothes more often now and once again showing off his shirts. Today Emmett choose his buzz off bee shirt.  First thing he does when he gets to school is stick his chest out so his teacher can see his shirt.  This is just a fun little post I started doing a while back so Emmett could see himself on TV.  It was also a way of encouraging him to wear clothes. So I thought I would share with everyone else.  To kinda lighten the mood and celebrate some of Emmett's awesome personality. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for…


You just don’t get it

I recently read a blog post from someone that was.....I'll just say....very critical of my wife and I. Honestly,  I can't expect everyone to agree with my thoughts and opinions. However,  questioning my character is something altogether different. I believe very strongly that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I'm not going to link to the post for a few reasons but mostly because I don't want to give this person any attention. A few of you out there know what I talking about as you have read the post and the person that wrote these things knows who they are and that's good enough for me. I have many new readers and I thought I would just take a few minutes and touch on why I have this…