What is Occupational Therapy (part 7)

This is part 7 of the What is Occupational Therapy series.  In this episode, Emmett is on the Puddy Swing. Basically, Emmett has to maintain his balance while pulling the puddy down from above his head. I want to share these with people because I know that starting something new can be scary for a child and mom or dad. I hope these video's give you a better sense of what to expect when it comes to OT. Please keep in mind that what you may experience could be different as this is geared for Emmett's particular needs. [youtube width="720" height="480"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk2iaANCkF4[/youtube]


Surviving a meltdown

I have alot of new readers so I would like to preffice this video with a few things. As a father to 3 boys on the Autism Spectrum, my wife and I have been dealing with meltdowns for over a decade. For a very long time we kept these very private because we didn't want anyone to think poorly of our kids, or really at the time, Gavin. This came a cost. No one ever really witnessed these but us and maybe the teachers, doctors and therapists.  Our families had very little idea of what we were dealing with and really how could they. We spent a great deal of time and energy hiding our daily struggles. When they would us say, Gavin's having a meltdown, they would equate that…


Maggie vs The Kennel

We came home from Akron Children's Hospital yesterday and apparently something happened while we were gone. Whatever that something was, ticked her off enough to physically break through the steel door of her kennel and mangle it so badly that it can't fixed. I'm assuming someone was walking around the house or may even even came up to the door.  All I know for sure is that whoever or whatever it was,  rubbed Maggie the wrong way..... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread…

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Kindergarten orientation

I took Elliott to kindergarten orientation this afternoon.  He did really well.  His teachers are awesome and have known Elliott since he was born. The new structure the school has set up, is in many ways like a main stream classroom.  I think Elliott will do very well and they will help us to figure out what to do for next year. I also met with Gavin's teachers as well.  Gavin didn't come as he was having some problems (a later post) and had fallen asleep.  But he's all set for school.  I explained about his new health issues and the school said "whatever we need".  Thank God for small favors...  I love Summit Academy. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon…


Emmett has surgery on 9/07/2011

So I told you that we were expecting to hear that Emmett needs surgery.  However, to be completely honest,  I wasn't prepared to hear it.  I certainly was prepared to hear that it would be in less then a week. Our new ENT explained that this is very rare. However,  he has seen it a few times before.  He said he will remove Emmett's adenoids and tonsils. Shouldn't be a very big deal except for the fact that my 3 year old needs surgery. He will be admitted for at least 24 hours after the surgery because of his age and developmental delays.  Because Emmett can't complain or tell us something is wrong,  he wants to watch him for 24 hours to make sure he getting enough fluids and there…


Back to Akron Children’s Hospital 9/01/2011

We are at the Ear,  Nose and Throat doctor (ENT). We are meeting to discuss the next step for Emmett with these chronic fevers likely related to PFAPA.  We are expecting to hear that his tonsils and adenoids need to be removed.  Hopefully it's not going to need to be done but we have already been told it's the next likely step. Fun.. Fun - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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I’m only human

If you're a regular reader of my blog then you already know that I don't mince words. I mean what I say and say what I mean. I have been a special needs parent for over a decade and something that I learned along the way is that despite my very best efforts, at the end of the day I'm only human. I get frustrated, overwhelmed and on occasion say and do the wrong thing. There have been quite a few times in my life as a special needs parent that I have said something in the heat of the moment that I later wanted to kick myself for. But...as I said, I'm only human. One of the things that happens quite often to special needs parents is that the demand on…


Bloodwork Wednesday

Today has been a busy day and I'm only half way done. This has been an a-typical day because 2 of our 3 boys needed bloodwork today.  Elliott had a bunch of blood drawn this morning to test for the genetic immunological disorder Gavin was recently diagnosed with......  Also extensive allergy testing will be done as well. This sucked because I had to hold him down.  This took me back to his days in the NICU.  I think it was also the smell of the hand sanitizer.  Ever since he was in the NICU I have associated that very specific smell with the weeks we spent there.  Gavin is having is regular,  weekly,  medication related blood draw as well. He also is having follow up on some worrisome labs dealing…