Emmett’s in the ER

Well, Emmett spiked a fever late last night. About 2 or 3 am this morning it had reached 105.2°f. We got more tylenol on board and Emmett into a lukewarm bath. We all fell asleep on the couch watching King of the Hill on Netflix and were awoken around 5am by the return of his fever. We called Akron Children's Hospital and spoke to the doctor on call at his ENT's office. We were told to bring him in immediately....and so here we are. We got everyone dressed and dropped the 2 oldest off at my parents and rushed off to Akron.


Come on already..enough

Emmett spiked a fever this afternoon. The hospital told us that if his fevers exceed 101f we have to call. Since his fever was 103f, we called the hospital The plan is that if he still has a fever in the morning we will call back and they will call in an anti-biotic to address any possible infection. About an hour ago,  I checked on Emmett and he had spiked a fever of 105.2f. We got him in the bath tub and got some more tylenol in board. We don't know if this is PFAPA related or not. Hopefully, his fever will break and everything will be okay. I can't even see straight right now because I'm so tired - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra…


Oh…no he didn’t

Oh yes he did.  Who did what,  you may ask?  Well,  Gavin spit on Elliott.  I don't know what brought that on and frankly,  I don't care.  We do not spit on people. That is completely unacceptable in the Lost and Tired house.  Before you ask,  no,  it wasn't like he was talking and accidentally spit a little bit.  This was actually spitting on his little brother. I'm not saying Elliott was innocent in all of this but he was the spittee and Gavin was the spitter.  Oatmeal was brought back out of retirement because I don't know what else to do in this case.  We don't hit our kids and very little works on Gavin outside of oatmeal.  For those of you wondering what the oatmeal thing is all…


I have been spotlighted :-)

  Lost and Tired has been spotlighted by a great new blog entitled Spilled Milk: A blog for moms of all stages, ages and genders. I absolutely love this blog and it's include everyone concept. The reality is that there are tons of Dad's out there filling the roll traditionally filled by the Mom. I think it's awesome that Spilled Milk is geared to allow Mom's of all stages, ages and genders. In IMHO this is very forward thinking and something that I hope takes off. Spilled Milk contacted me and wanted to feature Lost and Tired as it's Spotlight blog. I feel quite honored to to be asked to do this. I wanted to share this with all of you folks and ask you all to go over to Spilled Milk and…


Catching our breath

We finally made it through the week.  No one got left behind or lost in the shuffle....and there was a whole lot of shuffling going on. We had to put many things on hold this week in order to survive but when surving is the priority,  and it is,  you do what you have to and fun deal with the fallout later on.  There is some fallout that I have to deal with but it could always be worse.  Although,  honestly,  I need to learn to stop saying that because I end up inviting trouble and we already have enough of that on any given day. Lizze is probably paying the biggest price for all of this week's activity.  She is in a great deal of pain and has battled…


Please be patient

I just want everyone to know that I'm way behind on my email right now.  I do my best to respond to everyone.  However,  this week has been exceptionally difficult for me with everything we have had going on.  Please be patient with me as I work to get caught up over the weekend.  If you don't hear back from me in the next day or so please shoot me a message and I get back to you.. Thank you for understanding.... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the…


Gavin’s Journey Continues: The big meeting

So we met with Dr. Glazer for over an hour.  He is truly amazing and was awesome with Gavin.  Basically,  after all is said and done,  he confirmed the current diagnosis of,  Autism,  scizoaffective disorder and PTSD.  However,  we were referred to Akron Children's Hospital towards see Dr.  Cohen.  He is the top in his field for neurology and mitochondrial disorders.  Dr.  Glazer knows him personally and he is going to call and talk to him about Gavin and get us in to be seen.  While we didn't learn anything new or really find any answers,  we did find a direction to go in.  That's something... I'll have note details later but right now we just walked in the door and for Emmett is miserable and I'm exhausted. Thanks for…


Gavin’s Journey Continues: History

We met with the first doctor for about 2 hours.  He talked to all three of us,  then just us and then just Gavin.  This was necessary to get an accurate history.  We were asked countless questions,  some of which we could answer and some we couldn't....mostly because we are here looking for those same answers.  Going through all of this brought back a lot of memories,  some pleasant and see not so pleasant but memories nonetheless.  I really liked the doctor that we first met with.  I think he was very genuine and concerned.  He made sure Gavin felt comfortable and that he wasn't present for some of the more sensitive parts of the interview dealing with some of the abuse Gavin has endured in his young life by…