A daddy on the edge

Elliott had nightmares once again last night. This meant that he was up very late because he was afraid to go back to sleep. The equates once again to no sleep for the daddy. Gavin is talking nonstop and continuing to tippy toe dance on what's left of my last nerve. I don't know how much more I can take.. I'm really trying to be patient and listen to everything he has to say but at this point it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. I know he can't help it anymore than I can help how I feel about it. Emmett seems to be getting worse instead of better and we will likely be back to Akron Children's Hospital today or tomorrow at the latest for an evaluation...…


Hey Autism Community

Something to think about as you tuck your kids into bed tonight. We all love our kids more then anything in the world, regardless of their challenges...right? I think that is the foundation we need to build on in order to help the community as a whole to move forward. I think that's a common denominator that we all have in common.     Please remember, We should be united by our cause not divided by our differences.

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Removal of Autism Subtypes

So I guess it's official. The next edition of the DSM will remove all Autism subtypes (Childhood Desentagrative Disorder, Asperger's, ect). When we were at the Cleveland Clinic last week continuing to look into a CDD diagnosis for Gavin, we were told that the diagnosis essentially doesn't matter because pretty soon it will no longer exist. Plus there is no treatment so it really serves no practical purpose. So my question is, what how do you feel about the removal of Autism subtypes? Everything will just be considered Autism, at least as I understand it. What are your thoughts on this and how do you think it will impact your life of the life of your child? Don't be shy, your opinion is important and I would love to hear…


Tippy-Toe Dancing

Tippy-Toe Dancing...that's exactly what Gavin is going. He's Tippy-Toe Dancing on my last nerve. I swear, if I have to repeat myself just one more time, I'm gonna lose it. I swear, if I have to repeat my......sorry force of habit. Gavin has been needing me to repeat everything and sometimes more than once. I'm so tired of hearing the sound of my own voice. I can't even filter his voice out anymore, but I know that sounds harsh but sometimes I just need to survive. It's almost bed time and then daddy will finally get a break... Happy place... Happy place.. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of…


We’re on the same team….right?

  I'm not infallible but I am experienced I wrote a post called 10 Things My Autistic Kids Wished You Knew. This was written about my children, although many, many people have been able to relate to the words. As with the rest of my blog, I never pretend to speak for anyone else. I simply share my family's story, in a very open and honest way. I will say that our experience may not be unique as my words often ring true for others as well. I'm certainly not infallible but I do speak from a great deal of experience. I have been a special needs parent for almost 11 years now and that journey has been and will continue to be quite challenging. My wife and I are raising 3 boys,…



Elliott was literally up all night again with bad dreams. I have no clue what's going on but suspect it has to do with all the recent changes in his life that have occurred. They are sorta like night terrors but he will wake up. He will just start fighting something in his dream and begin acting it out until he wakes up or I wake him up. Whatever is going on in his dreams is very upsetting to him and he won't talk about it. I'm wondering if he even remembers what it was about.. Do any of you fine folks experience anything like this with your spectrum kids? - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at…


Oh…..the humanity

We came home from the boys doctor appointment yesterday and discovered this grizzly scene. Apparently, the at some point while we were gone, and Maggie decided it would be a good idea to play with Emmett's Jumbo Crayola Crayons. Sadly there were few survivors. I was at a loss for words after witnessing this senseless carnage. However, while I was at a loss for words Emmett was not. After seeing what had happened and enduring yet another trip to the pediatrician, Emmett looked at the crayon carcasses and angerly said, and I quote........ "dammit Maggie, Emmett's crayons".. What can you say to that? On one hand he should not have said that but on the other hand he actually said that.. Also, the of you look carefully you will see…

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Coping with depression

I shared awhile ago about my personal struggle with depression. It's not something that I talked alot about before but I decided that it was important to me, that I share this part of my story.  I'm not really sure why people are so uncomfortable talking about depression. I think that by talking more openly about it, we can help to dispel some of the stigma surrounding it. Anytime we can remove the stimgma attached to something, we make steps forward in better understanding it. I shared previously, that I went back on antidepressant's a few months ago. I had really begun to struggle with life in the sense that I was very pre-occupied with my own mortality and it had begun to influence some of my decisions. That was…