Hell raiser

Emmett John is a little hell raiser.  I mean that with the utmost love and respect but good lord,  he is in rare form tonight. He is being very aggressive with his brothers and generally mischievous.  Don't get me wrong,  I'm glad he's starting to feel better but damn,  is he ever a challenge right now. T-minus 26 minutes and counting until I kiss him good night and God willing he goes to bed.  ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help…

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Survived the week

Just picked up the boys from school today.  They both had great days.  Elliott is finally adjusting to the change and Gavin is continuing to do well.  Also spoke with Waterloo Transmission,  the home away from home for our....um...awesome van.  That's right, she's back in the shop yet again. This time the brakes went out.  So far seems like a cheap fix,  however the ABS is having problems and either needs disconnected or repaired.  The intake is leaking again but that's under warranty and the front tie rods are so bent that the tires are chopped exposing the cords.  The van will be gone until next week some time.  So we will be vanless all weekend. So I need to get some groceries tonight before I give my parents car…



Today has been especially challenging...at least for me.  Lizze is really,  really struggling.  When she's in this much pain,  she's not in the best of moods. I guess part of the problem in the change of seasons.  Not sure what it is about the season change but it's really rough on her.  She has been in a full blown fibro flare for a couple weeks now. She's also got horrific migraines along with the all over pain.  It's so bad that it hurts to simply touch her skin and of course,  the kids decide that they want to climb on mommy.  Lizze is basically sleeping much of the day away.  If she's in that much pain,  I can't say as I blame her. The problem is that it puts all…


Collateral damage

I want to discuss collateral damage as it relates to accidental injuries.  I think that this can be pretty common in families with ASD children.  What do I mean by collateral damage?  What I mean is when someone is unintentionally injured as a result of another child's behavioral challenges.  For this post I'm going to refer to something that happened tonight.  Gavin was upstairs playing with Elliott and Emmett.  A short while into playing together, I hear Elliott start screaming.  Next thing I know Gavin is starting to freak out at the top of the stairs. Apparently,  accidentally headbutted Elliott in the nose. I believe this was an accident,  however,  that accident could have been avoided. Gavin doesn't self-regulate very well.  He's also not in complete control of his body…


Behind the camera

Emmett has a thing for cameras.  The other day I found our old MiniDV camera,  that was thought to be broken. Low and behold it wasn't...at least not yet. Emmett has just fallen in love with this camera and has been itching to get his little hands on it.  So I figured,  what the heck,  we haven't used it in many years anyways. So Emmett has been toting this thing around with him everywhere. Maybe this is something he will continue to pursue.  Who knows but since my phone takes better video anyway,  what's the harm. Emmett's happy and that is way more important then an old camera. Do any of your kids have fascinations with more adult type things,  like,  taking pictures,  using the computer,  iPAD or tablet? -…



Elliott is extremely intelligent and is advanced in many,  many ways.  However,  he has this thing with putting his shirts on backwards. I'm puzzled a bit by this and I'm not sure what's behind it.  It's not a big deal but I'm curious if any of your kids do the same thing?  There are no tags on the shirt so that's not it.  Also,  the neck lines are the same as well. When I ask if I can help him fix it,  he tells me he wants it that way.  That indicates to me that he's doing this for a reason.  Preference...maybe? He knows how to put it on right,  he choses not to. Anyone have any ideas? - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2…


Managing medications

Gavin and I are at Dr.  Reynolds office for a follow up.  Dr.  Reynolds is Gavin's primary psychiatrist and someone on our short list of trustables.  We haven't seen Dr.  Reynolds since Gavin's immune system problems were discovered.  So that means basically all of the new neurological issues are on the agenda today. I don't think any medication changes are likely. However,  one thing Dr. Glazer stressed was just how dangerous and even life threatening Gavin taking Clozapine is. Clozapine is the antipsychotic that Gavin has been on for most of this year. He has been on every other antipsychotic there is and they stopped working.  Clozapine was a last resort. The big concern over Clozapine is that it can destroy the immune system by killing off the white blood…

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Goofy faces

I'm at the pediatrician..again...with Elliott.  He just can't seem to get better. Now he has a really nasty cough and the antibiotics have given him,  um,  tummy issues. Those tummy issues have led to some accidents that are also keeping Elliott home from school. We have also had to break out his rescue inhaler a few times since yesterday. Daddy is going on very little sleep over the past 2 weeks. So Daddy really needs everyone to feel before he goes plum loco. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click…