Life Interference

Today we had Gavin's first real Life Interference as a result of his monthly antibody infusions. He was supposed to go on a class field trip today. They went horse back riding at a ranch that works with the special needs community. Gavin was so excited and we failed to realize the conflict until last night. Can you say disappointment? Gavin took it in stride though and for that I'm very proud of him. I feel so bad about this because he was really looking forward to this. This was really the first time Gavin has had to miss something he was this psyched about, since we found out the status of his immune system. I did my best to make today as special and fun as possible, and all things considered,…

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Third Antibody Infusion: That’s a wrap

Gavin finished his third antibody infusion this afternoon.  He did pretty well.  He tolerated it well but struggled with the little things.  He is definitely regressing as he was responding as though he was 3 or 4 years old.  The nurse even noticed this time.  He did well but you can tell somethings wrong. There is really no way to not see it anymore. We will be back in a month..... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness.…


Third Antibody Infusion: underway

Gavin is currently receiving the antibodies as I type this.  The process will take a few hours but he is comfortable,  playing Sonic and eating lunch. I'm documenting and catching up on emails and blogs.  This is a very time consuming process and there is not much else to do but wait. He's handling this round well and hopefully won't get sick. The process is exhausting forbhin though so he will likely go to sleep when he gets home and sleep much of tomorrow as well. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please…


Dr. Aardsma’s Drills [Giveaway]

Dr. Aardsma’s Drills Giveaway


I’m pleased to be able to offer this giveaway to my readers. I have been playing around with this website for the past week or so and I think it’s a great idea. It’s pretty straight forward and easy to use. Before I posted this I was doing a 40 word spelling drill and actually did quite well 🙂

Anyway, below is a description of what this site offers. Everything is subscription based, so there is no software to install and it can be accessed from the iPad as well (if I understood it correctly).

Basically, you select the drill you would like to subscribe to and go through the subscription process (very short). To access the drill, simply click the link at the top of the page that corresponds to your subscription. From there, you simply log in and the drill begins.

You can visit Dr. Aardsma’s Drills and try a free demo. I think it’s more than worth the trip to their website.

What I really like is the accountability. You can have progress reports emailed directly to you about your child’s progress based on a customized schedule. Very cool…..

This is right up Gavin’s alley and he loves both Math and Spelling but could always use the practice.


A little more about Dr. Aardsma’s Drills

The math and spelling drills are taken online. The drills track the student’s daily progress and emails the parents with the results. These drills have been available to homeschoolers for 15 years via CD software and were sold by Christian Book Distributors, Timberdoodle as well as other vendors. In March of 2010 we launched, taking advantage of new technology and stopped producing the CD versions. The spelling drill uses a real human voice, making it the first of its kind in the industry. We have a “Group Reseller Program” ( which can be used to make quantity purchases of drills for a discounted price. The drills can then be resold at a profit. You may be interested in reselling drills to your members. 
One of our most popular items on is our FREE Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee. Spelling Bees provide healthy competition with the goal in mind of becoming better spellers. Kids love the challenge of trying to be the winner, and parents love all the extra spelling practice this gives their students! 

But Spelling Bees are so much work to prepare, you say? 

Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee, makes having regular spelling bees as easy as 1-2-3. The good news is that Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee it is absolutely FREE for you to use!

In minutes, you (the Spelling Bee administrator) can set up Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee for your homeschool group, or even just your own family — all absolutely free! The only requirement is that each student participating in the Spelling Bee must be registered in one of Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Drills. (

Each Spelling Bee participant competes at their Dr. Aardsma’s Drill grade level. That is, the student will only be asked words at his or her own grade level. For example, suppose Susan is registered for the Spelling 1 drill and Tom is registered for the Spelling 6 drill. They both sign up to participate in Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee. Susan and Tom will compete against each other, but Susan will only be asked Spelling 1 words and Tom will only be asked Spelling 6 words. In addition, they will be asked words from the list of words they have mastered before being asked any new words. Whoever can get the most words right will be the winner. 

Students wishing to participate in your Dr. Aardma’s Spelling Bee practice their spelling words by doing Dr. Aardsma’s Online Spelling Drill every day as part of the school work. The more they practice, the better spellers they get to be and the better their chances of winning Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee! 

Dr. Aardma’s Spelling Bee can happen as often as you wish; Weekly, monthly or yearly. You could have a final Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee at year end, inviting family and friends to attend. Winners (you could choose to provide prizes, if you wish) could be announced at your year end/graduation activities. Photos could be sent to your local newspaper announcing the winners. 

Groups could even compete against each other, creating an area wide Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee. 

Students must be registered for Dr. Aardsma’s Online Spelling Drill in order to participate in Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee. You can purchase a one year registration of Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Drill for as low as $5.14 per registration by buying the drills in quantity ( The more registrations you buy, the cheaper you pay for each one year registration. 

We also offer a Group Reseller Program where your homeschool group can purchase the spelling drills in quantity and then resell them to your members for a profit, earning money for your group, for individuals or for prize money for the year end winner of Dr. Aardsma’s Spelling Bee. ( 

You can read more about our products by visiting ”


The Giveaway

Dr. Aardsma’s Drills is graciously providing two of my readers with a FREE, one year subscription to the Math or Spelling Drill of your choice.

The giveaway is being run by Rafflecopter.



Third Antibody Infusion: prepped

Gavin has been prepped and is ready for the infusion to begin.. We have a 30 minute wait until we can begin though. Prior to starting the infusion,  they give Gavin a few medications to help his body handle the antibodies being infused.  The meds take about 30 minutes to take affect and then the infusion can begin.  Gavin has ready made his lunch selection and is already playing the PS2. So he no oblivious to all around him. We are taking a few extra precautions today though because the last time Gavin had an accident. So we are making sure to remind him to take potty breaks. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint)…


Third Antibody Infusion

Gavin has his 3rd antibody infusion this morning.  Gavin and I have arrived at Akron Children's Hospital and signed in. He's actually pretty nervous today for some reason but is handling it pretty well. We applied his numbing medication prior to leaving and that's what's pictured below. Vitals have been taken: Weight: 91lbs BP: 102/80 Temp: 98.6°F - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Maggie: Strike a pose

This is Maggie.  She's an absolutely amazing dog. We are very blessed to have her in our family. I took these of her lying on the couch.  She sleeps in the weirdest positions.  ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Elliott 2011

I'm very pleased to present Mr. Elliott Richard's 2011 school pictures. He is just to stinkin' cute. I wish I could freeze him at this age. :-)