The corndog mystery

The other day,  Emmett had a corndog for lunch.  Not the healthiest of choices but it was something other than dry Ramon Noodles for a change. Anyway,  after putting his lunch on his little picnic table,  I went to get him something to drink.  When I came back,  he was gone.....and so was his corndog. After looking around in his favorite hiding places,  including the dog kennel,  I moved my search to the 2nd floor. The last room on the list was the first place I should have looked.  When I opened Elliott's bedroom door,  this is what I saw.  Emmett was sprawled out,  half on the headboard or his bed and half on the window sill.  The TV was off but he was just sitting there,  all alone and…

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Meltdown Managed

I think it's important to help people understand some of what families like mine go through. This meltdown in particular was very, very mild.  However, I thought it may help someone to see how we managed it. It's important to note that I have to handle Gavin's meltdowns in a........certain way, otherwise he will escalate. We have found that this type of approach works best to bring him back from these meltdowns. Your milage may very but I just want to demonstrate what I do to manage these situations. Gavin, got himself under control rather quickly. So my hats off to him on this one. It may sound weird to some but he really did control himself well here.   [youtube width="720" height="480"][/youtube]


Leaf me with a smile

Emmett and Elliott have been collecting leaves.  They were very fond of these two in particular.  I honestly don't know why.  However,  they were happy and that's what's important.  Seeing them happy warms my heart and always leafs me with a smile :O - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Custom Built Weighted Blanket by DreamCatcher [Giveaway]

Custom Built Weighted Blanket by DreamCatcher 



Lost and Tired has partnered with DreamCatcher  in order to provide one lucky reader with a custom built weighted blanket, valued at $200. The is an amazing giveaway and I’m so excited to be able to host this. As a father to 3 boys in various places on the Autism Spectrum, I’m uniquely aware of just how important weighted blankets can be to a special needs child or even adult. Weighted blankets are especially useful to those with sensory processing disorder. My son Emmett has been using a custom built weighted blanket by DreamCatcher since the end of August. Amazing is all I can say.   

You can read my previous review here

Why do you want a weighted blanket?

For one thing, it’s free. However, more importantly, a weighted blanket can provide a great deal of sensory relief for your Autistic or other special needs child, with sensory processing challenges. A weighted blanket provides pressure or deep pressure, depending on the weight of the blanket, and helps with sleep and relaxation. Below is a quote from the DreamCatcher website that does a really good job of explaining the benefits of weighted blankets.

In researching weighted therapy for sleep and calming, we talked  with many therapists, medical professionals and experts in the sensory integration field, and  have learned a great deal about how and why weighted products work the way they do.  The very short version of the theory behind how DreamCatcher tm weighted products work, is the deep pressure touch stimulation (DPTS) supplied by the weight in our products , is believed to release a chemical in the brain, which naturally calms.

Serotonin is the chemical that functions as a  neurotransmitter (chemical communicator).  Serotonin is thought to be involved in inducing sleep, sensory perception, temperature regulation, and control of mood. Studies have  shown that serotonin may be  released by deep pressure touch stimulation. Massage and deep pressure releases both serotonin and endorphins. The serotonin acts as a calming mediator for the body while the endorphins act as a happy stimulator for the brain. Together they can bring pleasurable feelings and general elevated moods in both your body and mind.  It calms you when feeling anxious.

So what does this giveaway include?

DreamCatcher will ask you many questions. These questions will help them to build a weighted blanket to meet your specific needs. You can choose things like, color, design, material, weight and backing.


UPDATE: All links in the entry boxes have been fixed. Sorry about that…



Happy Sweetest Day 2011

I hope everyone is having a happy sweetest day today.  As special needs parents,  I think that we often times overlook these little holidays in lue of the bigger picture. However,  it's important to remember to celebrate these days whenever you can.  It helps to provide a sense of normalcy and can help strengthen you relationship with you significant other. Lizze and I rarely ever celebrate these because we are either to tired or have our hands full.  I do always try to make sure Lizze knows how much I love and appreciate her.  Today her mother came and picked her up and take her to the store so she could get some school clothes for Gavin and Elliott.  Lizze couldn't drive herself but I wanted her to get out…


3rd Night In A Row

Elliott had nightmares for the 3rd night in a row.  He was up,  tossing,  turning and screaming for most of the night.  We actually had a chance to sleep since Emmett was at grandma's but I was up with one Mr.  Elliott Richard most of the night.  Lizze however,  got some sleep but woke up pretty sick. Emmett just got home and is already raising hell. With that said,  it's really good to have him home.  I really missed him last night.  I got my big hug and kiss so my day has officially begun. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version…



Tonight has been very sobering thus far.  I was contacted today by a fellow special needs father and good friend of mine Josh.  I haven't known him very long but I have grown to respect him tremendously.  He lost his beautiful little boy last night.  Kade was 3 years old and passed away in his sleep from what they believe was a seizure.  I don't even know what to say.  This is absolutely heartbreaking for me as a father.  To lose a child is the worst thing imaginable.  My heart just breaks for them right now. About 20 minutes ago I got a message from an old friend from my fire fighting days.  He informed me that a fellow firefighter friend of ours passed away today after battle with cancer.…



If everything is a priority than nothing really is As a special needs parent, I have found that I have to constantly reevaluate my priorities. These priorities  are an ever changing, ever shifting, blurry lined moving target. I have said this before, and I doubt that I coined this phrase but, if everything is a priority than nothing really is.  This rings so true my life right now and it has me very frustrated and overwhelmed. I'm being pulled is far to many different directions to actually accomplish any one thing.  In my life, I have 3 boys and my wife. All are absolutely amazing but they all have special needs. Some are more serious than others but all important nonetheless. I'm struggling to keep our boat from being capsized in the ocean of ever…