Doing what’s best vs letting them be kids
What's Best For Them? Here at the Lost and Tired house, we have an ever increasing dilemma. That dilemma revolves around things like holiday's, parties and most recently, trick or treat. As a parent to 3 boys, in different places on the Autism Spectrum, the line between doing what's best or just letting them be kids is getting blurrier all the time. In speaking with many parents of children on the spectrum, I know that I'm not alone in this struggle. Right now, my biggest dilemma revolves around my oldest, Gavin. Elliott and Emmett, while on the spectrum, are better adept at handling these types of situations. That doesn't mean we don't deal with overstimulation and meltdowns for the next few days. However, that becomes more of an issue that affects Lizze and I and…