Is surgery in Gavin’s future?
Despite how well yesterday's 4th antibody infusion went, we did get some troubling news of sorts. Gavin's sinus problems, should be getting better in light of the infusions. However, despite these infusions, Gavin's chronic sinusitis is not getting better. We have ever been referred back to the ENT, once again. Gavin's immunologist thinks he may need his tonsils and androids removed. She is referring everything to Dr. Milo, Gavin and Emmett's ENT, at Akron Children's Hospital. I don't know if he will need any type of surgery to correct his damaged sinus cavities but I do know that he cannot breathe through his nose. Hopefully, if surgery is needed, it will make a marked improvement in Gavin's ability to breathe. Lizze scheduled the appointment yesterday, but I don't know for…