Today’s Victory 11/15/2011

While some people would look at this and not see the victory,  I do.  As a special needs parent,  I have learned to see the bigger picture. Why is this a victory?  Well the answer is simple. Emmett has two different kinds of food,  on one plate.  This never happens. Not only is the food coexisting on the same plate but they are actually touching.  This is also a rarity. Way to go Emmett.  I wanted to share this because I was really excited to witness this. While it's true that my boys struggle many areas,  I'm so proud of who they are and all the progress that have made,  both big and small.  :-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided…


Scary thoughts

Gavin told me something yesterday,  that had gotten kinda lost in light of all the running around we had to do. While on the way home from school and on the way to therapy,  he informed me that he's having scary thoughts at school now.  What does scary thoughts mean?  That's a very good question.  Honestly,  no one really knows for sure.  However,  the common assertion amongst all the specialists is that scary thoughts is Gavin's way of describing hallucinations. Gavin,  while extremely intelligent,  lacks the ability to articulate much of what he experiences.  Scary thoughts is the best way he can describe what he's experiencing. The problem with not knowing for sure what he means is just that,  not knowing for sure what he means.  It's so difficult when…


If anyone needs to relax

I thought I would share a few of the song that I listen to when I want to relax. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me. Please feel free to share what works for you. I'm always looking for new things :-) We all need to relax and lower our blood pressure from time to time. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

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Moving right along

Today has been pretty busy.  Lizze has had a pretty rough day as she is on week 8 +  of her migraine (I believe).  There doesn't appear to be any end in sight.  They can do another headache infusion in December but that's still a ways off. I wish there was something I could do to take her pain away. I took some more pictures throughout the day and I thought I would tell you a bit about each one rather then a separate post for each event. I'm simply to tired and tonight was not much fun. So I thought I would do this a bit differently.   Maggie is in hyper-vigilance mode since all of the recent events have take place.  She spends a good part of her day just…


This is exactly what I mean

I don't normally give these people much attention but I've not had the best of days and I've had it with this type of attitude. I wouldn't have even known about this is she hadn't posted the link in the comment to my Autism is not one size fits all post from the other day.... I was writing this post to address what I feel is a problem in the Autism community. While I was speaking only for myself, clearly many of you out there agreed with me. I was sharing my experience and that's all. I wasn't attaching anyone and I had no one in mind while writing this. This woman, who's blog can be found here, has basically attached me for my opinion and wants proof of my experiences. Really?…


Android app review: Care4Kids

Hey everyone. This is my first edition of Android4Autism's app review. My goal is to show you how your Android device can be used as a tool that can help you and your special needs child. Android4Autism is my little pet project that helps to put an Android device into the hands of special needs children, in particular, those with Autism. I thought it would also be helpful to share information about some of the apps I personally use to help with my 3 special needs children. I wanted to take a few minutes and introduce to you a really cool app for your Android device. This particular app is geared for my fellow Ohioans, but there may be a similar app available particular area.   Care4Kids Care4Kids is an app put out by Akron Children's…


Whatever Monday, bring it on!

We have a pretty busy week ahead of us.  We have therapy just about every day and several doctors appointments as well.  However,  Thursday night,  Lizze and I have a date.  I surprised her with tickets to the new Twilight movie.  This is really the only thing she ever asks for and I got tickets a few weeks ago when they went on sale. I'm pretty excited to get some alone time with Lizze.  We never get time alone and I think it's so important for our marriage. I just have this to say as Monday approaches.    Bring it on..... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and…


Meeting for Elliott’s IEP

We meet in the morning to set up Elliott's IEP.  His testing has been done so we have a better understanding of what he needs help with.  I know many would dread this meeting but with Elliott and Gavin's school,  it's actually a pleasant experience. It will likely only last a short time as there will be nothing to argue over.  The school spares no expense when it comes to providing services. For that we are very grateful.  :-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click…