Relocation 11/16/2011

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all your support. I want to thank the McCabe's for taking it upon themselves to reach out and help my family by launching a fundraiser that you can read about in the stickied post at the top of my home page. Thank you for all the generous donations that will assist in our relocation. Please remember,  do not feel obligated to help.  :-) I thought I would update you all as to the progress of my search.  I have been searching everyday via and the local papers.  Nothing has turned up thus far.  Again, I want to make sure that we do this right the first time.  I will keep you all updated as to the progress.  Thank…


Fattest Squirrel EVER

This is completely off topic,  however,  I thought it was pretty funny.  My neighbor loves squirrels.  He actually makes them little tiny peanut butter sandwiches.  He's actually one of our nice neighbor's. It just kills me when I see these squirrels scratch at his door when they are hungry. Then they sit there eating these tiny sandwiches. Anyway, this squirrel is so fat that it can barely squeeze under the fence anymore. This thing is like a regulation size football, with a tail. I just thought is was humorous and wanted to share.  :-) Hope everyone is having a good day.... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools…


Snuggly Emmett, Sleepy Daddy

I saddened to say that Emmett has hit yet another cycle.  He has been running a fever since yesterday afternoon and has developed large cold sores on his tongue.  He's actually in a surprisingly good mood, considering. If we had it to do all over again,  I don't know that I would go through with the surgery he had a few months ago. While the surgery did lessen the intensity of the cycles,  they are no longer predictable. The cycles used to hit like clockwork,  about every 3 weeks and last for 10 days.  Now they hit at random times,  often twice a week.  They don't last as long but they are more frequent.  In a sense,  it's worse now then before because we have no idea when the next…


Tough Calls

Background If any of you have been following me since this summer you will probably remember these posts; Betterment Helps the Lost and Tired family and CKP Heating and Cooling: Paying it. If you have a few minutes, these are both good reads, in the sense that you can see people helping other people. Basically, The Foundation for Community Betterment is a not-for-profit that helps people at a local level, in way that actually improve the quality of life of the people they help. My family was lucky enough to be a recipient of this amazing organization. Betterment worked with CKP Heating and Cooling to provide my family with central air conditioning. CKP Heating and Cooling actually donated the entire system. They were and still are an amazing company of kind and generous people. The Foundation for Community Betterment is…


Have I mentioned I Hate our van?

So my father, graciously have up his evening in order to help me with the van.  It was already dark when we got out to where the van had died.  She started right up and then began this horrible grinding and screeching sound.  It appears that the water pump has seized up and seems to at least be part of the problem.  I had have it towed yet again.  The towing company has towed the POS van several times now.  I should be earning some kind of frequent flyer points by now.  The shop will hopefully get the van in first thing in the morning and if it's just a water pump,  it should be a quick fix.  Quick maybe but certainly not painless. I really truly believe this van…


Listen to my interview with Anne Barbano

I recently had an interview with Anne Barbano about Android4Autism and my family. You can listen to me sound like an idiot if you would like. I hate the way I sound on the radio. :-) Check it out. I maybe you can learn some more about Android4Autism and my family. Listen to my interview ---------> Here


Can we PLEASE move on

This whole thing has gotten out of control. In regards to my post, Autism is NOT one size fits all, and the apparent controversy which can be found here, I want to clarify a few things.   I never said anyone was "dishonest" for not sharing their negative experiences,as I have been (mis)quoted as saying. I simply asked why people as so afraid to be more honest about their experience(s).  I was simply asking a question and not accusing anyone of anything. When I say Autism and Aspergers aren't in the same universe, I'm referring to parenting and challenges and I'm doing so in the general sense. I realize that this is not always the case, and have said that many times before.  I was simply trying to make a point. This was…


Dammit all to hell

Pardon my french but that's all I can think to say.  Actually,  it was more like the cleanest thing I could think of at the moment to say. Lizze took Emmett to therapy this afternoon and then ran to the store.  The freakin' van started shaking,  well the engine rather.  It stalled out several times but she managed to get it into a parking lot before it completely died.  As she was pulling into the parking lot,  smoke began to come from underneath the hood.  I hate the bloody van.  It has been nothing but trouble.  We have had it for just about a year and it has been in the shop about 12 times already.  Brand new transmission,  deep engine work has been down several times now,  new sub…