Some van-tastic news

I thought I would share some van-tastic news with you.  Well part of me thinks it's good news and part of me thinks I'm an idiot but here it goes anyways.  :-) I spoke with my friends at Waterloo Transmission yesterday and explained that I could not pull off the $2, 200 it would take too get the van repaired.  I asked that they do the recall work and I'll pick it up and park other until tax return. Then to my surprise,  they offered to stretch things out until tax return.  I'll pay a couple hundred a month until tax return and then pay it off.  Ironically,  this is basically what happened exactly one year ago with the engine and transmission. On the plus side,  we will have our…


Helping your child with asthma

While at the immunologists today with Elliott,  I took some pictures of the 2 giant posters they have on the wall. These posters offer some common sense or maybe not so common sense tips on how to keep the living environment healthier for your asthmatic child.Honestly,  some of these things are pretty simple and some of these I would never have thought of. I thought I would share them here and maybe they can help some of you out there.  I'm always trying to find ways to make life easier for everyone.  I'm going to be implementing some of these suggestions as a way to improve my own kids quality of life.  Hope this helps.   :-)

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Android apps for your Autistic child 12/01/2011

Helping people help their kids I have become kind of a voice for and even a sort of lesion between the Autism and Android communities. My goal is to help people realize just how much more potential Android devices have over the Apple line of products.  Not only are Android devices more affordable, they are typically more powerful and allow for complete customization of the user experience. In other words, if you want a device that can be customized to your child's unique needs, at a price starting at less than $200 and access to hundreds of thousands of apps, your only choice is Android. The fact is that more and more people are using Android based smartphone. What many people don't seem to be aware of, is that their Android based smartphone…


Results from todays appointments 12/01/2011

The appointments today turned out very well.  The first appointment was with the developmental neurologist at 8am.  She was really nice and put Elliott's fears to rest.  They did a bunch of developmental testing and Elliott exceeded in all categories with the exception of emotional and social.  They said that is very consistent with an Aspergers child.  He even set a few records for the clinic with some of his test scores and times.  Go Elliott.  They we are already doing everything we can and they don't feel they need to be involved.  That was very nice to hear. The immunologist went just as well.  The follow up was pretty quick and went off without any hitches. We just got home and I'm ready to die so I'm hoping to…


Waiting made easier by Android

Elliott is a nervous wreck this morning.  Nothing bad is going to happen,  meaning no shots or bloodwork. The only thing that has stopped the tears is NetFlix and our Android Tablet.  He's just chillin watching his favorite show and clinging to his new stickers as though it was for dear life. I just wish he didn't get so stressed out about going to the doctor's. 


Early start

My mother called last night to find out if we needed her to watch Emmett today,  so we could both go to Elliott's appointment.  Her calling,  prompted me took at the calendar and realize that we have to be at Akron Children's Hospital well before 8am.  I was thinking we had to be there 10am,  but as it turns out,  that's the time of his 2nd appointment of the day.  Glad she called :-) Elliott is a mess right now.  He's really upset about going today.  He is a generalizer and so he's afraid that he's going to be surprised with a shot,  simply because it happened once before.  I'm trying to bribe him with breakfast but not sure that's gonna work.  Wish me luck.....please. ;-)


Autism and Akron Children’s Hospital

Tomorrow is a pretty big day.  I will be at Akron Children's Hospital for the second time this week.  This time,  I will be there with Mr.  Elliott Richard.  We actually have two appointments tomorrow.  The first appointment is with the developmental neurologist and the second is with the immunologist.  Elliott will be going through the Autism clinic and the developmental neurologist is the gate keeper so to speak.  She will do the evaluation and decide how we proceed.  They will also rule out ADHD and dyslexia.  The immunologist is a simple follow up and nothing more. Both of these appointments should be relatively uneventful but Elliott is really stressed out about going.  If you're thinking "sounds like a squishy couch kinda night",  you would be right.  We are currently…

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Today’s Victory: 11/30/2011

Today's Victory is brought to you because Mr.  Emmett John requested milk with his cereal and actually ate it.  Of course,  it was chocolate soy milk as he's allergic to cows milk but this is still a pretty big victory.  Typically,  Emmett doesn't like things mixing and so he usually ears his cereal dry.  His willingness to do this show just how far he's cone over the past year.  Hell freakin' yeah Emmett,  keep up the good work.  Daddy loves you..