Out for breakfast

We got a call this morning from Lizze's parents. They wanted to take Lizze, myself and Emmett to breakfast.  It was really nice to be able to get out.  After breakfast,  they took Emmett with them to Amish Country to look at furniture.  I took to replacement her favorite pen and do so window shopping. It didn't last long because she couldn't walk anymore and needed to go home and sleep. It was fun while it lasted.  It may not have been a lot of time,  but I'm grateful to have spent it with her.  Thanks for taking us out to breakfast and hanging out with Emmett.  :-)


Penny Wars

The boys are having a penny war at school.  Each class room is collecting pennies and the one to collect the most,  wins a special prize. All of the money collected will go to a family the school has adopted for the holidays this year.  So everything is for a very good cause. Typically,  what we have done in the past was collect pennies and turn them in on the last day,  as kind of a surprise,  "here's a crappy load of pennies". Now that we have to boys at this school,  they are essentially competing against each other as rival class rooms.  I had to take a different approach this year. I wanted to boys to feel special and really help their respective class to win.  So I decided…


Clearing the schedule

Today went from being,  insanely busy to an empty schedule. Emmett's therapies were canceled today cause the therapist are doing continuing education.  As much as Emmett benefits from the therapies, I'm grateful for the day off.  I spent all afternoon there yesterday,  with Gavin.  I can sit here and say,  "that I want to use the time to get the house in order",  however,  I'm smart enough to realize that will likely not happen today.  I'm physically exhausted and still fighting off this head cold,  so the likelihood I going to accomplish anything major today is quite remote. While that upsets me that I can't accomplish what I need to,  the other part of me is saying screw it. I've been going pretty much nonstop for the last couple of…


Move The Gorski’s

I was asked by Matt and Jillian McCabe to share this post her on Lost and Tired.  I never comfortable asking for help but they are trying to do something amazingly generous for my family and I want to help in any way that I can..... I would like to say how deeply touched I am that something like this was put together to help my family. I'm infinitly grateful and completely humbled by the generosity this has brought thus far. Thank you to everyone, especially the McCabe's, for reaching out. Thank You . :-) This is from the "Move The Gorski's website and can be found ------------> Here        Rob Gorski is the creator and author of the "Lost and Tired" blog and founder of Android4Autism. He is husband to…


Confessions of a depressed special needs father

I thought I would touch base with everyone and talk about how I'm doing some far since starting Paxil. I think it's important that we discuss things like this so that people have a better understanding of what goes on when they hear depression. I also want to remove the taboo and stigma attached to depression. As many of you know,  I went back on Paxil,  an antidepressant,  a few months ago.  This was done because I was no longer able to cope with everything and I wanted and needed to get help. So I did that by meeting with my doctor and having a very honest conversation. We decided that Paxil was the right medication forme and so I began taking 20mg / day.  The improvement seemed to happen…


Special needs parenting when one parent is chronically ill

Special needs parenting is no walk in the park.  Life is challenging on the best of days,  and down right impossible on the rest of them.  What happens when one parent becomes chronically I'll and can no longer carry as much as they once could? That is the situation that I have ever found myself in.  I have three amazing and challenging boys,  all on the Autism Spectrum. I also am married to the most amazing woman I have ever met.  However,  over the past few years,  her health has dramatically suffered to the point of becoming disabled.  She does everything she can to help but pays a very heavy and painful price for anything she does. My wife has fibromyalgia and for those who aren't fimilar,basically,  her body interprets…



Threshold,  that's an interesting word. Threshold basically refers to a point of satuatation,  essentially meaning nothing else can be absorbed. We often hear things like,  she has a very high threshold for pain. I actually say that about my wife because she can she can cope with extremely high levels of pain. I also will frequently refer to thresholds when talking about my three boys with Autism.  Usually I'm implying something in regards to sensory overload. Let me say it this way,  while at Thanksgiving this year,  Gavin hit and exceeded his sensory threshold,  resulting in overstimulation and subsequently, massive meltdowns. As time goes on,  Gavin seems to have and lower and lower threshold for everything.  This puts us in a very precarious position.  We have to significantly reduce the…


The Mommy Shield

I've mentioned quite a few times that Gavin is moving very rapidly.  He doesn't seem to be able to walk,  or use slow and controlled movements.  Part of this is related to the neurological issues,  the fact that he's manic and honestly,  I don't know what else.. I know that it's driving Lizze and I crazy.  This afternoon,  Gavin once again forgot his walking feet.  This time resulting in him slamming his foot into something and sending him into a massive meltdown.  This happened so fast and was so loud,  it sent Emmett and Elliott running away in terror.  They jumped onto the couch and coward behind Lizze. She wrapped them up in a big hug and shielded them from meltdown. I got Gavin settled down and the boys had…

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