Dear God

We need to have a talk once again.  It seems that it has been decided that Gavin isn't already dealing with enough.  For some reason you have seem fit to add to his already enormous burden.  He is now having a difficult time controlling his bladder.  This problem has been getting worse and worse.  Isn't he already dealing with enough? Why does one child have to bare so many burdens? I have asked this many times before but have never received an answer.  I will ask again. Let me bare his burden. Let me carry the weight that has been placed upon his shoulders.  I don't understand why this is unreasonable to ask.  I don't understand why you must allow these things to continue to happen to my children and…


I’m only human

Today is one of those days where all the screaming, whining and crying is going to push me over the edge. I know that most of these behaviors are outside of the boys control but goddammit, if it's not just relentless today. Emmett will take something from Elliott. This will send Elliott into a screaming and crying fit, because Emmett's secret weapon to get what he wants, is hitting. Once Elliott starts crying, it takes forever for him to regain his composure. Simply talking to him will set him off again, so it's best to let it play out. This will typically spark all the drama. As soon as I correct Emmett for hitting Elliott, he just screams this blood curdling scream. This will go on for quite some time and redirection doesn't…


The impact of choices can be painful

Today,  Emmett was playing with Gavin and Elliott.  Gavin was running around with his safe blanket wrapped around his neck.  Emmett decided that tug of War would be a fun game and so he grabbed the blanket that was dangling behind Gavin. For starters,  Gavin should not have had anything wrapped around his neck. That is a very bad example for his brothers and we have already had that discussion many times. Gavin was walking away as. Emmett was holding on to the blanket. The whole time the blanket was pulling tighter and tighter around Gavin's neck.  What I don't understand is why Gavin was holding the blanket around his neck?. If he would let go of the blanket it would have simply fallen to the floor.  However,  he waited…

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Meltdowns are back on the menu

I'm writing this post and feeling quite overwhelmed and frustrated.  Gavin is back to having meltdowns each day again. We had experienced a lull in number of meltdowns he has had in recent months.  However,  that period of peace and relative tranquility has come to an end.  Gavin is back to having meltdowns over anything that doesn't go his way and I'll be real honest with you here,  it's driving me crazy. We had at least two meltdowns today alone.  I don't remember what the first one was about,  but the second one involved a decision he made causing Emmett to get hurt.  He starts out by bending his fingers back to the point of almost breaking them.  Then he slams his foot to the side so he's standing on…


Android apps for kids with #Autism: 12/10/11

Featured Android app of the day   Today's featured app comes from Intellijoy. The app is Kids Connect The Dots<---- Click here to download Lost and Tired  fully endorses this Android application by the great developers at Intellijoy, and have personally used this app with my 3 boys on the Autism spectrum. This app is basically a game of connect the dots. Your child will practice the chronological order of number and be rewarded for finishing the puzzles with a bright colorful picture. As the time this post was published 2:50pm, 12/10/2011, this app was on sale for $.10 as part of the Android Market's massive 10 Billion downloads sale.   My kids love this app. This is actually one of the reasons Emmett has begun counting so well. This is…


Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly imperfect,  sounds like an oxymoron,  right?  True,  but beneath the surface it means a great deal more to me. When I tried to come up with a word or phrase that describes my family,  more specifically,  my three boys on the Autism Spectrum,  I came up with perfectly imperfect. My family is far from perfect.  Having said that,  who's really is?  Even the most typical of families has their problems.  Granted,  most aren't dealing with the same struggles that we are.  Sometimes,  people think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence,  but I think you'd be surprised.  Life for the Lost and Tired family is beyond stressful and overwhelming.  We experience setback quite often. However,  we also experience victories,  maybe not big ones but a…


Surviving Dinner

So,  last night I was feeling kinda froggy,  so I thought it would be nice to get everyone out of the house for a bit.  I ended up deciding to take the family out to dinner. I think we've only done that one other time this year because of how challenging it can be to do that with 3 boys on the Autism Spectrum. Last night's excursion went off without a hitch.  The boys did great and everyone enjoyed their dinner.. What a pleasant surprise.   :-) This has been posted to WordPress via Galaxy S2 Epic Touch 4G by Samsung, without the use of proper editing tools.


Today’s Victory: 12/09/2011

Today's Vitory I brought to you by my oldest son,  Gavin. We get our water from a company called Clear Water.  He have a 5 gallon water cooler and so we have to refill the jugs about every week or so. Sometimes,  Gavin will tag along and always wants to help.  Typically,  Gavin can't seem to get the timing of shutting the water offer before it sprays everywhere. However,  on this occasion,  he did the entire process on his own. He put in the token and filled up the jugs without soaking himself in the process. He even wiped them down when he was done. This seems like an arbitrary skill but the reality is that he needs to know this kind of thing in order to function independently in…