New year, new problems
2012 hasn't even arrived yet and we are facing new and frightening challenges. Gavin is continuing to decline and he is presenting with new symptoms. His current list of confirmed diagnoses are as follows: Aspergers, Schizoaffective Disorder, Psychosis, PICA, ADHD, Primary Immunodeficiency, PTSD, Asthma, OCD, Reflux, IBS and an Unknown Exotic Degenerative Neurological Disease. This covers the major issues. Today we have possibly added to the list once again. It appears that Gavin may be having seizures. The seizures have not been witnessed but the post ictal phase has been. Shortly after the first of the year, he will be having a 24 hour eeg done, to better understand what is happening. We will also be meeting with the worlds top mitochondrial specialist, Dr. Cohen, who just happens to be…