When Christmas pukes all over your house

Everything started out OK.  We woke up at the butt-crack of dawn by 3 little boys anxious to open their presents. Gavin decided not to wait and tore through all of his presents before anyone else even got started.  He was completely overstimulated already moving at mach speed. Shortly after the gift fiasco,  things really started going downhill. Emmett spiked a fever again this morning and Lizze woke up with a horrible migraine once again. Elliott and I were doing just fine,  so I decided to take Elliott to my parents house for breakfast while everyone else went back to bed. After breakfast, Elliott went to Cleveland with my parents to visit family. I, on the other hand, went home to check on the rest of my sickies.   Lizze…


A Lost and Tired Christmas

Well it's finally here,  Christmas 2011. It took some doing to make it this far but we did.  The boys slept until about 6am this morning. Presents were had by all. Though I would count this as an overall success,  we did have a few setbacks. Lizze is down with a severe migraine again.  Emmett has also spiked a fever as well Gavin being on sensory overload. Lizze is going to be napping with Emmett shortly and Gavin should crash soon. Elliott and I might sneak off to my parents house for breakfast.  I hope you all have a awesome Christmas and holiday weekend.  Make of it what you can and find peace and joy in all the little things today. Thank you all for everything. Posted from WordPress for…

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The Christmas Haircut

It wouldn't be. Christmas without the drama of the Christmas Haircut.  Elliott did really great and I'm quite proud of him. Emmett on the other hand just said "no thank you haircut". I opted not to push him because he really didn't need it that bad. The place we take the boys is called Kuts for Kidz.  They are really great with the kids and never complain or even give me the impression that they don't like working with our Autistic boys.  Elliott wanted his hair short so he could wait for a long time before his next trim. He looks very handsome........ Posted from WordPress for Android


Stocking Feet

The saying "stocking feet" has been around for ages.  However, Emmett took that quite literally when he actually put his Christmas Stocking on his foot. He so freaking cute.  :-) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Posted from WordPress for Android


When Christmas and Autism don’t mix

In the Lost and Tired household,  Christmas and Autism don't always go well together. So those begs the question. What do you do when Christmas and Autism don't mix? I would be naive to to think that my family is the only one out there enduring this struggle. However,  I don't like to speak for other people so I'll only speak to my experience. For my family,  Christmas and Autism don't play well together. Posted from WordPress for Android


How we salvaged Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve in the Lost and Tired house had turned into a stress filled,  migraine inducing nightmare. We ended up staying at home because of the days events.  I decided that we need to save as much of the Christmas Eve experience as possible and not let it be ruined by frustration over behavioral issues.  How did I accomplish that? We ordered pizza for dinner,  watched cartoons and straightened up the house so Santana Clause could safely navigate the house tonight. That was actually Gavin's idea.  The house is in good shape already but I will always take the help in keeping it it that way.  The goal is to get the kids in bed shortly and make sure Santa has plenty of uninterrupted time to finish his job tonight.…

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Guilted and Manipulated

After Gavin had regained his composure from his first meltdown of the day,  I wiped the slate clean and  started the day over. We had decided that we would try to split up this afternoon and one of us stay behind with Gavin. However, things have since changed. Gavin took it upon himself to guilt Elliott into not wanting to go visit his grandparents. Elliott came downstairs and said the he no longer wanted to go because Gavin couldn't go.  If Gavin was allowed to go then he would change his mind. As he is saying this, Gavin is peaking his head around the corner sporting a huge grin.  I hadn't said anything Elliott about Gavin not going today and Lizze has been in bed with a migraine for hours…


The Christmas Eve Meltdown

It was barely 10am this morning and Gavin had his first big meltdown of the day. He has become very unstable and much like a ticking time bomb,  he's ready to explode at any second. Lizze and I had decided to visit with her parents this afternoon and mine in the morning.  However,  in light of just how unstable Gavin has become,  I don't know what we are going to do now. We may just split up and allow Elliott and Emmett to spend time with our family. They are handling the holiday quite well and would likely have fun with little ill effects. We had planned on staying home for the holidays, however,  it now longer seems worth it for everyone to stay together just to have a front…