6th Antibody Infusion: Potty break

Gavin is well into his 6th Antibody Infusion today.  He decided that now was a good time to need to to go potty. In the past week have had accidents while receiving the infusion so I didn't want to take any chances. Since he was hooked up to the IV,  it made things a bit more challenging but Gavin did great.  He even pushed the IV poll all by himself,  without getting tangled or knocking it over.  :-) Hopefully,  that will be the last trip to the bathroom today,  at least until he's done.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android

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6th Antibody Infusion: IV placed

Gavin's IV is finally in ace and the IgG infusion has begun.  The whole process takes a few hours but as time goes by,  and his body continues to tolerate the infusion,  the process will be sped up. He did pretty well with the IV placement. He repeatedly asked the same questions over and over again but he's didn't scream. They drew blood so that he doesn't need a second needle poker on Monday in order to refill his Clozapine prescription. He's back to playing Phineas and Ferb on the PS3 and has phased everyone,  and everything,  out. Now we just wait....... Posted from WordPress for Android


6th Antibody Infusion: Prepped

After he was weighed in and his vitals checked,  he needed to be prepped for the infusion. I couldn't find the ENMA (I think) to put on his arms before we left so this will take an extra hour to complete.  We have to wait for the ENMA to numb his arm before they start the infusion. He also receives other medications as well to help his body better tolerate the foreign antibodies that are being infused. These medications take about an hour to kick in. While he waits,  he's playing Phineas and Ferb on the PS3. Posted from WordPress for Android


6th Antibody Infusion: Weighing in

We have arrived at our home away from home,  Akron Children's Hospital,  for Gavin's 6th and final Antibody Infusion for this year. He has been weighed and had his vitals checked. He is watching TV in the waiting room until we get called back to his room for further preparations. Gavin is very excited because this is the one time every month that he gets to play video games. He never knows if it will be a PS2 or a PS3 but he's happy either way. Even though Gavin +  Video Games = meltdowns,  we figured he deserves this while he sits still for his 4 hour infusion. Posted from WordPress for Android


Autism and Ramon Noodles

I'm just curious on this one.  What is it about dry, uncooked Ramon Noodles and kids on the Autism Spectrum? If I let them,  my boys would live on uncooked,  crunchy Ramon Noodles. If we happen to be out,  they love eating uncooked pasta,  especially Emmett. I used to think it was just my kids but after mentioning this before,  I learned that many of you experience the same thing. I was wondering what your thoughts were on this topic?  Personally,  my thought is that it's a sensory thing. Maybe it's that they get some desirable feedback from the crunching. Maybe they just like the taste. To me, it would be like chewing on tree bark,  not that I've actually tried that,  but you get my point. How many of…


Today’s Victory: 12/29/2011

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr. Emmett John.  Today,  out of nowhere,  Emmett wanted asked for cereal and milk. This is a rare occurrence in the Lost and Tired house.  While Emmett can't have regular milk,  he can have his chocolate soy milk. I was happy to do that for him as I wanted to encourage him to try new things. He actually ate most of it.  For a kid with major sensory and texture based issues,  this was a really big deal. Normally, his food can't even touch,  but today he actually mixed them together. Fanfreakintastic Emmett,  I'm so proud of you. Posted from WordPress for Android


What do I say?

Okay,  for starters,  this is going to be a very sensitive topic.  I realize that and so I want to handle this in a way that is both non-offensive but gets my point across at the same time. So please keep an open mind. Having said that,  here is the question I want to ask you. What do I say to Gavin when he talks about having kids when he gets older? Please keep in mind that I'm not making a blanket statement here at all.  I'm only referring to my particular situation and asking you for advice. I'm in no way shape or form, making a blanket statement about Autistic persons in general. The reason I'm asking this is because for awhile now,  Gavin has been talking about having…


Not a good day

This is not a good day. Gavin has been all over the place and is continuing to drive me crazy. During one of his recent meltdowns, Gavin cracked his bed frame. Today however, he finished the job and actually broke it. For safety reasons, Gavin will once again have a mattress on the floor. No more bed frames in the foreseeable future for him. This pisses me off because now I have to pull the rest of it apart and haul it downstairs and out to the trash. This is one of the big reasons why Gavin's room has be pretty stripped out. Everything in there just gets destroyed. I don't know exactly how he broke it today, but I do know that if he hadn't been kicking it during…