Today’s Victory: 01/04/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you, once again, by Mr. Emmett John. Although this time with side of Mommy and Daddy. Emmett is going through another Marshall Syndrome flare up and is in a great deal of pain. Typically, as a result, he is very difficult to comfort. However, today was one of those exceptions to the rule. Lizze made him lunch and I got him situated on the couch. Together, we were able to provide him with comfort. While it may have been short lived, it was enough for him to eat lunch. I consider that a worthy of a Today's Victory.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


How to manage and defuse a meltdown

Recently, the Lost and Tired family has been coping, rather, attempting to cope, with a significant increase in meltdowns. This recent increase has me scrambling for better ways to handle them. In the case of my oldest, Gavin, something that works once may never work again. The meltdowns we now experience with Gavin are not as bad as they used to be, however, we are very quickly moving back in that direction. Yesterday, we experienced the worst meltdown we've seen in the better part of a year. Each meltdown is becoming more and more intense. Thankfully, Gavin doesn't lash out at those around him. If anyone is ever injured, it's likely they were collateral damage. Collateral damage means that they were injured during the course of Gavin's meltdown on accident. It's of little…

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Anxiety Attack vs Meltdown

For awhile now, Lizze and I have been saying that Emmett has anxiety or panic attacks. When I had mentioned this to the developmental neurologist, she said he was simply throwing a fit. As far as I'm concerned, a meltdown and an anxiety attack are to vastly different animals. Emmett can have a meltdown when he doesn't get his way. I get that. However, when we are trying to get him dressed and he completely loses it, its different than a fit. He seems panicked and afraid. When we mentioned that to the developmental  neurologist,  she again said it was a fit and to push him through it. I bring this up because, after therapy today, Emmett had two panic attack-like episodes. Lizze was with him when it happened but…


Operation Relocation Update: 01/03/2012

I located a potential home for the Lost and Tired family. We will go look at it next Thursday, January 12th. I spoke with the Realtor this morning and he explained the process and also emailed me the application. This move wouldn't take us to far away from where we are now and it removes us from the horrible local school district. The boys wouldn't need to change school either and that is a huge positive. The fact that it's a ranch style home would benefit Lizze greatly. Right now, she struggles with the steps. This would provide her with a single floor to navigate and the relief she would receive would be immeasurable. My hope is that owner will take our situation into account when doing the dreaded credit check. We have…


Can’t sleep

It's 3am and I'm still unable to sleep. This sucks cause the boys will be up in 3 hours and need to get ready for school. I'm so tired but I just can't sleep. I can't seem to slow my brain tonight. I have way to much on my mind and way to many problems that need a solution ASAP. I need to find a way to relax so lower my stress level. I made a nice cup of hot tea and got Netflix up on the TV as I'm sitting here watching it snow. I wish I could find a better way to manage everything, including my stress. There is no escape from the clutches of the stress that is slowly but surely taking over my life. I desperately…


Nope.. No Autism Here 01/02/2012 ,

I have this Nope...No Autism Here post I do every once in awhile. It is meant to be a humorous take on some of the quirkiness my kids demonstrate.  I'm by no means poking fun at them.  I think it's cute things they do that are frustrating at the time,  but later on give me a chuckle. So here is the very first Nope....No Autism Here post for 2012. This particular post is featuring my littlest minion,  Mr.  Emmett John. Emmett decided at dinnertime,  that he wanted to have green tea with his dinner. Green tea is really good for you so I thought..why not. He helped with opening the tea bag and pouring the water into his cup. He wanted cold water so that was easy. We put the…

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How do you manage TV time?

I was wondering how you manage TV time with your kids?  In the Lost and Tired house,  we cut the cable many years ago.  However,  we do stream Netflix.  Elliott has a Netflix box in his room.  This was done to give him a safe place to go and shut his door.  He watches his Disney shows and things like that.  He will fall asleep at night to his shows and it works out well for him.  Gavin received a Netflix box for Christmas and it has so far been a problem.  Gavin does everything to the extreme.  He will watch nonstop if we let him,  where as Elliott would rather play. They other problem that is once again presenting itself is the fact that Gavin repeats and imitates what…


2011 Tax Return

So,  it that time once again.  Tax season is quickly approaching I was wondering what your plans are? For the Lost and Tired family,  tax return is about the only time we can make major purchases.  Things like broken appliances, outstanding bills ect,  are only possible when our tax return comes in. This year,  I have quite a few things that need to be accomplished with tax return. Obviously,  not everything will happen but we have made a relatively short list of priorities.  I thought I would share our goals for this tax season. Things we want to accomplish with our 2011 Tax Return 1)  We have to pay for the repairs to the van. 2)  We need to replace our mattress,  Gavin's mattress and Emmett and Elliott need bunk…