Picking up the boys

A rather extreme change in weather since this time yesterday.  This the view for Emmett and I as we wait for the boys to emerge from the school at 3pm... Luckily,  the roads aren't very bad.  The temperature sure has fallen.  It was in the 40's this time yesterday and now we're in the low 20's.    Brrrrrrr Posted from WordPress for Android


Fan page Friday

I thought that it would be cool to share our Facebook fan pages.  Maybe we can learn something new about each other and gain a few likes at the same time. So,  for now,  just add you Facebook Fan page or Community Page to the comments. At the end of the day I will add them all to the post and retweet it.  I would encourage you all to do the same... If ya'll like this than I will keep it up.  :-)   Facebook Fan Pages for 01/13/2012 https://www.facebook.com/Perplexingmind http://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-with-Three-Special-Needs-Children/157059474370620 http://www.facebook.com/OurTransplantJourney?sk=wall Posted from WordPress for Android


More concern over Gavin

Something is wrong with Gavin.  It's one of those things that you just know.  He's getting sick at school everyday.  He's sleeping in class and way more often than usual at home.  Maybe it's puberty or maybe it's medication related.  I just don't know. This morning,  Gavin was woken at 7am to get ready for school.  He never got up and fell back asleep.  This is very unusual for him.  I'm not saying that it's serious but it's certainly concerning.  I don't know if it's related to whatever is going in the neurological arena. While we didn't have the snow day we expected,  we do have a 3 day weekend. Gavin will be seen by the pediatrician on Monday to see if everything is OK or if we can narrow…


The first snowday of 2012

We are in a winter storm warning for the next 3 days. It's looking like we may have the first snowday of the 2012 school year. If that does indeed happen, we will be enjoying a 4 day weekend with our little minions. I do like having them home, I just dislike all the fighting, screaming and meltdowns. :-) How's the weather where you are?

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Surviving the journey

I want to talk about something that I know affects myself and my family and I would suspect it affects others as well. We are all on a similar journey. This journey may take us down different roads and our destinations may be different places. However, we all have the same goal in mind. We want to survive the journey know that our kids will be okay. So many times along the way we are met with obstacles. Some are like raging rivers or impossibly high mountains. Some are like vast oceans or deep valley's. It's very easy to get caught up in the frustration and feeling if being overwhelmed. I'm personally,  guilty of that. Sometimes these obstacles can bring out the worst in us, I know it does that…


Elliott made a funny

Everyday, I pick up the boys from school at 3pm on the nose. If I arrive any sooner, there is a line of traffic. As I pull up to the school and the boys are walked out, I open the side door on the van via the power door button. This of course assumes that the van isn't in the shop and the door actually works. I love watching the boys anxiously run to hop into the van. Today, for whatever reason, as Elliott was making his way to the van he was screaming something. What was that something he was screaming, you ask. Like Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart, Elliott screamed "freedom". I guess he was especially excited today to come home. :-)  Posted from WordPress for Android


I need active special needs bloggers

I have formed a tribe on Triberr and am looking to expand. Triberr is one of the absolute best ways to network your blog. Basically, it allows a tribe to leverage the combined total of followers to help create and drive traffic to your blog. This doesn't cost anything but a few minutes of your time. I personally feel this is a fantastic way to help spread Awareness. This has worked very well for me and many others. Requirements: You must be an active blogger. You need an active twitter account. You must commit to logging in to share tribal post frequently (daily is preferred) Special Needs Parenting in general is the topic. You must follow me @Lost_and_Tired  (I will need to follow you as well)   If you are interested, please contact…

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Video Blog 01/12/2012

This is my first video blog. The setup isn't the best, nor is the quality. If I do this again, I'm going to continue to improve upon these things. In this video I talk about Elliott's doctors appointment as well as new Gavin related information. [youtube width="720" height="480"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5al-lh9Rxjs[/youtube]   Important Links:   Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Special Needs Parenting Support Group

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