A Stunning Injustice: The Case of Amelia Rivera

****This is a very special guest post by Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg of Journeys with Autism.  She is heavily involved in raising awareness about the case of Amelia Rivera. Amelia Rivera is the little girl being refused an organ transplant because of "mental retardation". I spoke with Rachel and asked how I could help and she provided this post, which is the first of two. Please read these posts and help spread the word about this grave injustice.****   Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane. — Martin Luther King, Jr., March 25, 1966 By now, many of you are familiar with the story of Amelia Rivera, a three-year-old child with Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome who has been denied a life-saving kidney transplant at the Children’s Hospital…

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Autism and managing resentment

There are many things about special needs parenting that can be very challenging. One of the things that I find to be exceptionally difficult is managing the resentment that can arise from having different rules for different kids. Let me clarify what I mean by resentment and where it's coming from. When you have more than one child, one of which has Autism, things can get very complicated. I'll use my family as an example. In the Lost and Tired family, all three of our boys are on the Autism Spectrum. Each of our children face different challenges and their ability to cope to with things varies greatly as well. Gavin, our oldest, is by far the most complex. He faces more than his fair share of challenges. His threshold for…


Lost and Tired’s question of the day: 01/22/2012

I thought I would change the tone of things a bit and improve the mood with a bit of humor. Today, I found myself asking the following question. Why is it,  that whenever I say I need to use the bathroom,  the line forms in front of me? Feel free to share with the rest of the class any questions you have been asking yourself. Can you top mine? Posted from WordPress for Android


Thank you Best Buy

I've mentioned a few times about Elliott’s broken DSi.  I explained that while we have the extended warranty,  Elliott picked the sticker with the serial number,  of the bottom. This has prevented us from getting his DSi replaced.  Yesterday,  on a whim,  I went to best Best Buys and spoke with the general manager, Bob Lewis.  I explained that Elliott has Autism and picked the serial number sticker off the bottom of his DSi. I told him that since that had happened,  his DSi had stopped working correctly.  We had wanted to get it replaced but I was told it wasn't possible because the serial number was missing. He asked me to wait a few minutes and he would look into it.  He came back and explained that the problem…

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It’s gonna be one those days

Do you ever wake up and within a very short amount of time, you realize it's gonna be one of those days? I had to run to Walgreens to get Gavin's prescriptions.  As I open the window to our rental car to speak to the pharmacist,  all the snow that had been on the roof decided to fall at that very moment. The drivers side of the car was covered.  Snow piled on my lap and filled the floor board as well as the inside door panel. It was quite a shock because was most definitely not expecting that to happen. I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be one of those days. Posted from WordPress for Android


Lost and Tired is on Google Currents

    As the world becomes increasingly mobile, new and exciting ways to experience the4 internet and all it has to offer    become available. I do my best to make lostandtired.com easily accessible from anywhere. As a big step forward for my blog and spreading Autism Awareness, I'm excited to announce that I can now be found on Google Currents. Google Currents is a free app for your Android or iOS devise that gives you access to the best websites and blogs, including yours truly. :-) I'm really excited about this because I believe I'm the first Autism related Edition on Google Currents. Please follow the link below to be taken to the home page for Google Currents. From there you can easily install the app to you device. You can…

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In their own words…

On January 19,2012 our van was stolen, right in front of us. The boys we're watching out the front window as it happened and I was literally 10-15 feet away. They have been profoundly affected by this event, Gavin more so than the others. He spent a lot of time crying and hardly spoke a word the entire day. Elliott is much more anxious than usual and Emmett wants his black car seat back. I do my best to reassure them and at this point, that's all I can do. Lizze and I are obviously upset and stressed out about this situation because if the van gets totaled out, we'll be left with nothing. To say that this is problem is like calling the ocean a puddle. We have an…


Stealing from a special needs family: update 2

We received a rental car and can use it until the van thing is settled,  which should be next week. I very specifically requested a van but instead got a brand new Lincoln Town Card Limited.  Are you kidding me? What part of 3 special needs kids don't they get? I don't even want to sit in this thing.  I don't even want it parked outside of my house. If they were willing to steal our crappy van,  I doubt they'll hesitate to go after this. I'm totally grateful for the rental and don't mean to sound otherwise but really? They apparently were out of more appropriate transportation,  so this is what we get. Sigh..... Posted from WordPress for Android