Please say a prayer for Elliott

I hardly remember yesterday or maybe I'm just trying to forget it.  Either way,  something happened yesterday that may amount to nothing,  but the school was worried enough try and have us come get him -although their attempts were in vain because Verizon must be having network problems and our phones never rang-. Elliott has been complaining about his joints alot lately.  He has an appointment with the rheumatologist in a few weeks. Yesterday,  he started complaints about his back during martial arts.  When they looked at his back,  there was a knot on his spine. This seemingly came out of nowhere. Elliott says that he doesn't know what happened but he never hurt himself. Lizze currently has Elliott at the doctor's to make sure everything is OK.  They are…


Please be patient with me

You may have noticed my absence today.  I'm pretty sick at the moment.  Maybe the stomach flu or food poisoning. I haven't been this sick in years.  I know I'm supposed to be working on some things with some of you,  but this is the first time I have been able to move today without getting sick. Hopefully I'll be better in the morning. Thanks for understanding. Posted from WordPress for Android


Stealing From A Special Needs Family: update 5

Total loss. That is the final verdict and the unavoidable fake of the Lost and Tired family van. The updated estimate came back this evening and was in the neighborhood of $3700. Keep in mind that the idiots that stole the van only had it for about 2 hours. I haven't quite decided if this is a good thing or not. It's bad for obvious reasons. However, depending on what the settlement ends up being, it could be a step in the right direction. I produced all the receipts for repair work we have had completed on the van in the past 12 months alone. The receipts totaled out to $6,610. They said they will take that into account and give me a number some time tomorrow. Hopefully, it's enough to…


Round 1….Fight

This is from last night's therapy session.  Emmett was playing with these oversized boxing gloves.  No real point to this post,  just thought he was cute. Posted from WordPress for Android


Stealing from a special needs family: update 4

I got some news and then had to throw that news out the windows as more news followed. Confused?  You and me both. I spoke with the claims adjuster this morning and they now weren't sure if the van was actually totaled. So after having up,  I was left kinda hanging.  I mean,  I don't know what I'm supposed to do.  If the van is to expensive to fix than now might be a good time to cut our losses.  On the other hand,  if the van can be fixed, then the question becomes whether or not it's worth it to fix.  This van has been a nightmare,  literally.  It's unreliable and unsafe.  It has been a serious money pit.  We have invested 8x more intimate repairs then we paid…

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Worried about your child with Autism wandering/running

Hey everyone, I need some help. As you know, wandering is a very serious problem when it comes to children on the Autism Spectrum. I have been speaking with someone that wants to help. You can help by participating in a brief phone interview. They are developing a device that can significantly increase the odds of a very fast recovery. I have have been consulting on this solution and I'm very, very impressed and I truly believe this will make a difference.  Right now there is a need for a pseudo focus group and opinion gathering. This would take place over the phone and require 15-20 minutes of your time. They are looking for parents with kids in various places on the Autism Spectrum, but with a focus on parents with concerns…


It doesn’t take much to make him smile

After Gavin's infusion was completed and we were on our way home,  Gavin saw something that just made his day. Our rental car shows the radio station information,  as well as the song name and artist. Gavin happen to look at the radio as the song was changing and saw his name in lights.  It was a song by Gavin DeGraw and so the name Gavin DeGraw was scrolling across the screen. Gavin was so amazed that he was on the radio.  It was a well deserved moment of bliss and he rode that high for quite some time. It's the little things that mean the most... Sometimes,  my kids have to remind me of that. Posted from WordPress for Android

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7th Antibody Infusion: Successful

Gavin’s 7th Antibody Infusion was a success.  He did really well and I am of course,  very proud of him. We will be returning on February 20th of infusion number 8. When Gavin's infusion takes place before noon,  he is served lunch.  This time he happen to pick breakfast.  After the infusion is completed,  they do a 100cc flush of normal saline.  This is simply to make sure everything in the tubes get into his blood stream.  They have also involved him in disconnecting everything,  so he becomes more comfortable with the process. Ironically,  he complains more about the tape removal then he does the IV itself.. After the infusion is completed, Gavin gets to pick a prize from the treasure box on the way out.  Next to the video…