Autism, fever flares and screaming minions

Emmett has begun yet another fever cycle.  It began yesterday and he is not a happy camper. Emmett’s cold sores seem to be getting worse with each new cycle.  This time around,  they look more like blisters and have thus far spared his tongue and instead taken up residence on his cheeks and in his throat. Needless to say this puts Emmett in a foul mood.  Much of his day was spent screaming. While I was running around all day so I wasn't experiencing this all day like Lizze was,  I still had more than I wanted to. Along with Autism,  Emmett has some pretty major sensory processing issues.  When he is in as much pain as he simply has to be in, it's pretty much a one way ticket…


The day that never ends

It's been one of those crazy days that I'm not wanting to repeat anytime soon. I was literally running around doing errands for most of the day. By the end of the day I had pulled the seats out of the van, picked up 3 new mattresses,  hauled them upstairs and set them up. Next I had to put the seats back in the van and picked up the boys from school. I had to also hit the grocery store,  the post office and fill the water jugs. Then it was time to make dinner and feed the boys.  After dinner, Lizze and I got the boys ready for bed. Now I'm just trying to relax and catch my breath.  I wanted to write a bit tonight as I have…


Stealing from a special needs family: update 8

I have some big news.  Yesterday,  I managed to replace our van and I financed it all by myself. I honestly couldn't believe it went through. We got a 2004 Freestar Limited.  It's basically exactly what we had before just newer.  Downtown Ford really came through for us. While this is great news,  it did come at a significant cost.  It took took every last dime we had.  I would never have done this if I had any other choice.  Taking on a car payment is the last thing in the world we needed to do. We are completely tapped out and many of the things that needed to be done with tax return won't happen now.  I needed to get a treadmill so I can improve my health since…


Autism Support via your favorite smartphone or tablet

In an effort to improve the usability of the Lost and Tired Autism Support forums, I have added Tapatalk support. Tapatalk is an app available for your favorite smartphone or tablet that gives you complete access to these forums from anywhere.... From this app you can post threads and reply to treads as well. You can send and receive private messages as well as receive notifications of updates and new posts. This is a great way to experience the Autism Support forums while on the go. This app is available for Android, iPhone/iPad, Blackberry and Chrome Instructions for using Tapatalk with Lost and Tired's Autism Support: 1) Download and install the app on your preferred device. You can use the links above to install via your computer. (Price on Android is $2.99, Blackberry is $3.99, iPhone/iPad not sure). 2)…


Keeping the pace

Things have really gotten crazy in the last 2 weeks and I have simply not been able to keep up with everything,  including this blog. I know it's shouldn't be a huge deal but it really bothers me.  I really don't like it when I get behind on writing.  It means that I'm not coping as well as I should. Anyway,  I have a lot to get caught up on but at the moment,  I have to get this transportation situation figured out first.  I'm under the gun to figure something out before we run out of time and our options dwindle away. Thank you all for understanding.. Posted from WordPress for Android

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Stealing from a special needs family: update 7

Well,  the final numbers are in and producing the receipts for the repairs has yielded a whopping $200 extra.  I gave them $6600 in receipts from the past 12 months and they gave me $200. I guess $200 is $ 200.....right? I'm currently working with Downtown Ford to finance a 2004 Freestar.  We have a good amount to put down but that will completely tap us out.  The problem is I don't see any other option at this point. I absolutely do not want to finance anything.  That is the worst thing we could do right now but there aren't many options. This is quite frustrating that we are forced into this position because some jackass and his friend decided to steal our family van. Some people just don't care…

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I have one thing to say about the DSM V

Admittedly,  I'm not an expert on the changes being made and I don't own a crystal ball in order to predict how each person and family will be affected.  However,  it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that at least part of the motive behind these changes,  is to curb an epidemic without actually addressing the problem. Having said that,  I do have one thing to say to those making these changes. "By changing the definition of what Autism is,  you're not making anything better. Sure,  fewer people will be diagnosed, but that's only because you're choosing to ignore the rest that are not as obviously affected by it". Maybe the change is needed but perhaps it should be put off until we better understand the impact these changes…


Do you ever feel like a complete failure?

Do you ever feel like a complete failure?  I mean,  everything can't go right all the time but to have everything go wrong.... This is one of my really honest posts where I'm just sorta spilling my guts.  I say what I need to say,  so that I can hopefully be able to walk away from it when I'm done and feel a bit lighter. It's no secret that things could be going better for the Lost and Tired family. What I don't often share is how that makes me feel. To put it bluntly,  I feel like a complete failure,  as both a father and a husband. Maybe it's the fact that I missed a few days of antidepressants while I was sick or maybe it's the reality of…