Here’s how the first day of school went

It's been a pretty good day here in The Autism Dad household. The boys first day of school went well, and there were zero complaints or concerns brought up about the new school year. Also, our homemade pepperoni rolls were a hit. 😊 They brought art class back this year and both boys are super excited, especially Elliott who's huge into expressing himself via artwork. He was really upset when they dropped art a couple of years ago due to funding. I'm so grateful they had a good day and that everything went smoothly for them. A rough first day can set the tone for the rest of the year. I have to take Gavin with me now to pick the boys up but he doesn't mind at all, but…

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My day has not gone as planned but I’m righting the ship

The boys got off to school without any issues. We even arrived a few minutes early. We'll see how long the excitement lasts but for right now, things are looking good. I came home and crashed. Gavin was playing the Xbox for a bit before he took his morning nap. I feel so much better after getting some sleep. I think I was too stressed out to fall asleep last night, but until last night, I'd been sleeping really well. The lack of sleep hit me harder because I wasn't used to it. Maybe? Either way, I didn't get much accomplished aside from getting the kids to school and righting myself before they get home. Oh, I did discover that Ruby peed all over the couch and I only found…


I couldn’t shut my brain off last night

I didn't sleep last night at all. I maybe got a couple of hours of restless sleep. I've been doing so good with sleep lately and usually go to bed around 10 PM. Last night, however, I just couldn't fall asleep. I'm really stressed out and I kept replaying the last two weeks of my life, over and over again in my head. I couldn't shut it off. I'm the kind of person who needs to be able to make sense of things, and I'm struggling to make sense of everything that's happened to my family. Between that, being nervous about the upcoming school year, and stressing out over being enough for my kids, I just couldn't shut my brain off. It's for reasons of complete and utter exhaustion that…


We had to adapt today for a number of reasons

As with any family, we have to learn to adapt. Today is no exception. In fact, today is proof of that. The boys are on edge for a number of reasons, one of which is that school starts in the morning. They're excited but also nervous. Poor Emmett is afraid that he's going to have to tell his class that he's from a broken home. His words, not mine. I've assured him that's not the case. He's doesn't have to tell anyone about anything. One of the reasons we prioritized the trip to Cook Forest was because we wanted them to have a major event that was positive and could be something they could talk about if they wanted to.. I've already talked to the school about everything and they…


Trying to get the boys ready for school tomorrow is a bit overwhelming

We have a busy day today. School starts in the morning and we still have a few things that need done. The boys still need new lunch boxes and they definitely need haircuts. Neither of them like getting haircuts but they don't have a choice. They cooperate once they're in the chair but they get ichy after and that's pretty intense for them. We have Pattie this afternoon, where Elliott and Gavin are going to have some one on one time with Pattie. Emmett had his time last night. We're trying to make sure that the boys remember that they have a safe place to open up. It also helps ensure that we know how the boys are handing everything. Afterwards, we might be going to orientation. We were going…


I can’t change what happened but I can adapt and overcome

Divorce is never easy and there are always unforeseen consequences. The goal is to limit those consequences, and shield the kids from as many grownup issues as humanly possible. It's only been a week since my wife left and I'm already facing challenges that are very limiting by nature. One of the biggest things that have come up that impacts me directly is that I can never go anywhere alone. Until about two weeks ago, I was walking every single day. I was able to sneak away for an hour and exercise, because the kids were at home with their Mom. I never was gone for extended periods of time because that can be very challenging for anyone to deal with, especially someone with all the health issues she is…


Why I’m seeking help from a therapist

Today at 1pm I will be starting my second therapy session with my new therapist. The first session was literally the morning after my wife left and not much was accomplished aside from me unloading everything that I was feeling. I think I caught my counselor off guard. I feel like this therapist might be a good fit for me personally and that's important. I was such a hot mess last week that I didn't even get the paperwork filled out. She asked why I was there and the floodgates opened and she went with it. I really appreciated that. She suggested that we finish the paperwork next time. I feel like I'm in a better place today because I've had a week to begin wrapping my brain around all…