Opinions: A guest post by Jeff Stimpson
My friend Jeff Stimpson periodically does guest posts here on my blog. I love his writing and love being able to share these posts with you all. You can contact/follow Jeff at the below locations. jeffslife.tripod.com/alextheboy Twitter: @Jeffslife Books: Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie and Alex the Boy: Episodes From A Family's Life With Autism ++++++++++++++++++ Opinions My 13-year-old son Alex and I get into the elevator with a neighbor. Perfectly normal thing to do after the end of a perfectly normal day. The door slides shut and the neighbor says, “Five, please” when I ask what floor she wants. Then perfectly normalcy ends. This violates my new rule of avoiding, if I can, elevators with neighbors when I’m riding with Alex. He still presses the…