#Autism and those winning moments

All of my boys are in different places on the Autism Spectrum. Much of the time they are fighting or screaming at each other. Typically,  this is because these guys are set off by different things. They push each other's buttons without even realizing it.  Once they get started,  the madness just cycles until we find some way to break it. This morning was one of those rare moments where all three of the boys worked together towards a common goal. Gavin,  Elliott and Emmett spent some time this morning build this giant contraption out of a marble track,  a race track and some of Emmett's blocks. The peace was short lived because the fighting began when they began trying to name it. However,  they deserve credit for the time…


Today’s Victory: 02/10/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Elliott and Emmett.  While this moment was short lived,  it did occur and so I wanted to share it with everyone.  There was a small break in the chaos today while Emmett and Elliott snuggled together on the couch and played there DS's.  The peace was short lived as I said already but it was nice to see this nonetheless.  I love seeing moments like this,  when my kids are getting along and not screaming and fighting.  Great job boys :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


Autism and the depressed special needs parent

I write about this many times ready but I want to touch on this again. The reason is that I really think that it's important for people to see an accurate picture of what life as a special needs parent can be like. There are many,  many special needs parents out there,  each with their own unique set of circumstances. I'm not speaking for anyone but myself here.  Life in the Lost and Tired house is difficult on any given day.  Without sounding cliche,  any day that we physically survive, is considered a good day. So far we have survived the bad days as well but the bad days are really bad.  Now bad doesn't mean the same for everyone,  so let me clarify.  A bad day is a day…


Autism, Curiosity and Discovery

Awhile ago,  I found this giant magnifying glass.  Emmett loves this thing and today he went around the house, exploring and discovering cool new things. He looked at the couch,  floor,  walls, his fingers, Elliott's face -which didn't go over well- and a few DS games. He is absolutely fascinated with how the magnifying glass makes everything bigger I happen to like how it has peaked his natural curiosity and desire to discover new things. Have you ever given you ASD child a magnifying glass?  If so,  what was their reaction?  If not,  what are you waiting for?  :-)      


Medication Mania

Elliott has not has his Zoloft today.  Yesterday was his last dose. He is most certainly manic. He is all over the place.  He's not miserable,  in fact,  he's happy... Super,  super happy.  Hopefully,  this is just a reaction to the medication and the mania is not a sign of anything else. I think if he balances out in the next day or so,  that means he's okay. If he doesn't,  well,  we'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it.  I don't even want to pretend that bridge even exists at this point. For those wondering,  that other bridge would be bipolar disorder.  Gavin has bipolar disorder and has been very,  very difficult to keep stabilized. I can't imagine having to add that to the mix,  but…


Zoloft, insanity and a better tomorrow

Today has been one of those days.  You know,  the kind that just seems to go wrong at every turn.  The day began with Elliott having going nuts as a result of his new medication.  When I say going nuts, I mean going nuts. He was rapid cycling.  His mood was literally changing by the minute. One moment he was happy,  the next he was angry and freaking out.  Then he would be just start crying. Emmett was completely confused by Elliott's behavior today and didn't know how to respond to him.  The stress set him off many times today. On top of that,  Lizze was experiencing a major flare up today that had her in bed all afternoon.  Lizze's mom had to pick Gavin up front school today because…


Today’s Victory: 02/09/2012

Today’s Victory is brought to you by yours truly and Mr.  Emmett John.

Today has been a pretty crappie day.  Elliott’s had a bad reaction to his new medication and Lizze is sick in bed.

However,  despite all the chaos,  Emmett and I found a little time to snuggle and fall asleep on the couch.  Elliott’s is passed out on the other couch.

If I had to find a sliver lining,  this would be it.


**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Problems at school

Yesterday,  for the first time in quite a while,  Gavin had major problems at school. We haven't been able to get much from him without him melting down.  What we know is that he was escorted to the principles office at least twice.  This only happens when he completely loses control.  In other words,  things have to be pretty bad for him to go to the office. From what we know,  Gavin wasn't listening to the directions during an assignment and that led to him not knowing what he was supposed to be doing.  That of course,  led to at least 2 meltdowns. The concern I have is that I think this may have more to do with him not being able to hear what the teacher was saying and…