Today’s Victory: 02/13|2011

Today's Victory is brought to you by melatonin. That's right, melatonin.  It's been about 5 days since Elliott has gone to sleep before midnight.  Ever since this whole Zoloft thing went down. Tonight is the first time in about a week that melatonin has worked and helped Elliott fall asleep like he typically would. In a way,  this is a victory for both Elliott and I, because we both stand a chance of actually getting some sleep tonight. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Posted from WordPress for Android


#Autism and Zoloft: A bad combination?

Ever I first wrote about our ongoing issues with Zoloft,  I have heard from so many people saying they have had similar experiences. Elliott,  our 5 year old Aspie,  started 5mg of Zoloft last week.  He was on it for a total of 3 days and having only taken 15mg total. He's gone manic and has been since.  He has now been off the Zoloft for longer than he was actually on it and he is still struggling. We don't know if we should send him to school in the morning.  I really don't think it will go well for him,  but at the same time he has already missed so much. Tonight is the first night that he actually feel asleep on time. Since he began the Zoloft,  he…


When “sorry” loses its meaning

I have always said that it takes a big person to to say they're sorry.  While I didn't coin the phrase,  I do believe that to be true. Having said that,  I find myself in a place where my faith in that saying is starting wane. The reason I feel that way is a long story that begins many years ago. Rather than bore you with all the history, I'll skip to the more recent times. Gavin is a great kid and I love him very,  very much. At the same time his behaviors are extremely exhausting.  The most frustrating part,  at least for me is that he never seems to learn from his mistakes.  In all fairness,  this may be related to his developmental delay but at the same…


#Autism and a MAJOR victory

The Lost and Tired family has its hands full raising three boys on the #Autism Spectrum. We experience many, many struggle and setbacks. Unfortunately, for our family, the difficulties often out weigh the positives. Having said that, we do, on occasion, have what I consider to be major victories. This is one such moment. Gavin is easily our most complex and challenging child. As a result of his health/mental health issues, he has frequent blood work done. For years and years, this was a complete nightmare. We would have to call ahead in order to make arrangements to have enough staff on hand to successfully draw his blood. That may sound like overkill but you would have to see it to believe it. Even our parents didn't understand until we…


Please STOP flushing things down the toilet

Someone please tell me what is so goddamn interesting about flushing things down the toilet.  My things I'm referring to toys,  toilet paper rolls ect. I realize the insanity of asking this question in the first place but I just spent the better part of the day uncloging the only toilet in the house because Emmett decided to flush several toilet paper rolls down the toilet.  I went through two plunger to fix it.  I know why he finds it interesting,  but I wish he didn't.  He likes watching the things "zoom down the potty",  his words,  not mine. I don't know how typical kids would react to this but when I explained that if he had to go potty,  he would have to use an alternative location,  he refused.…


When medications do more harm than good

The Lost and Tired family is no stranger to medications. Gavin has been medicated for a very long time. In all the years Gavin has had to take medications,  we have only ever had one major problem.  That one problem was a very,  very serious and life threatening one,  but we made it through. Medications,  while not something we take lightly,  have become a necessary evil.  They have become a fundamental part of our lives and for the most part,  they have brought about positive change. Over the past few months,  we have been discussing the possibility of having to put Elliott,  our 5 year old,  on medication for his anxiety. Elliott has been struggling with anxiety for awhile now.  It really began to get out of control last year…


Screw you Zoloft

I don't know what else to say but screw you Zoloft.  I suppose I could say fuck you Zoloft. Either way,  I have another sleepless night ahead of me as Elliott's is still pretty messed up from his recent experience with low dose Zoloft to treat his anxiety. For the second night in a row,  Elliott won't go to sleep.  He can't even sit still or stop talking.  Right now he's just making weird noises with his hands and his mouth. We have to call the doctor in the morning because this shouldn't be happening. I'm not sure what they can do but something needs to happen.  At this point it looks like he will miss school on Monday as well. He's barely sleeping and just won't make it at…


#Autism and Sexually Aggressive Behavior

We have found ourselves once again dealing with inappropriate touching.  It's been a little while since this has been an issue but today it has returned. Long story short,  Elliott came downstairs and told me that when he was trying to come downstairs,  Gavin grabbed him and wouldn't let him go down the steps. Elliott then explained that Gavin kissed him twice,  without asking Elliott's permission. According to Elliott,  Gavin kissed him on the side of the head,  both sides actually. While that may not seem like a big deal,  it really is.  Gavin either has no concept or no respect for other people's boundaries. Sometimes it seems like a simple boundary issue and other times his behavior is clearly predatory in nature. I don't know what today falls into…