Questions about Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Monday is the long awaited trip to the Rheumatologist for Emmett. Emmett was referred a little while ago by his Immunologist. As many of you know, Emmett has been diagnosed with Autism as well as a fever disorder. Basically, Emmett runs a fever about every 2 or three weeks. The fevers are accompanied by a mouth full of huge -and I mean that literally, they are huge- cold sores. This lasts about a week or so. He had surgery last year to remove his tonsils and adenoids because they are thought to be linked to this disorder. While it did help, it hasn't eliminated the issue. In some cases it has even gotten worse. Anyway, at his last followup with the Immunologist at Akron Children's Hospital, Emmett was referred to the Rheumatologist. Immunology believes…