Questions about Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Monday is the long awaited trip to the Rheumatologist for Emmett. Emmett was referred a little while ago by his Immunologist. As many of you know, Emmett has been diagnosed with Autism as well as a fever disorder. Basically, Emmett runs a fever about every 2 or three weeks. The fevers are accompanied by a mouth full of huge -and I mean that literally, they are huge- cold sores. This lasts about a week or so. He had surgery last year to remove his tonsils and adenoids because they are thought to be linked to this disorder. While it did help, it hasn't eliminated the issue. In some cases it has even gotten worse. Anyway, at his last followup with the Immunologist at Akron Children's Hospital, Emmett was referred to the Rheumatologist. Immunology believes…


Lost and Tired has made the newspaper

YOU CAN FIND THE ARTICLE BY CLICKING HERE ----------->  "AUTISTIC BOYS’ DAD USES BLOG AS OUTLET".   Some very special friends of ours have been trying to help us get out of our house and into a safer neighborhood. They launched the "Move The Gorski's" fundraiser". We are eternally grateful for their love and support. Please take a minute and visit their blog and read their amazing story: Autistic London Unlocking Our Ewok. Along the way, our story was picked up by the Canton Repository. The Lost and Tired family was interviewed last month and the article finally printed this morning. It's a great article, however, I may be a bit biased. :-) The article is by Denise Sautters and she did a really good job. The article is entitled "Autistic boys’ dad uses blog…


#Autism, Anxiety and Emotional Distress

Elliott was a complete disaster this morning.  His anxiety is through the roof and he was refusing to go to school. I'm not sure what his reasons were because all he was doing was screaming and crying. The poor guy is really struggling right now.  :-( I hate sending him to school like that but he has to go.  His school is totally understanding and will help him through this. Today is the last day of school before a four day weekend.  Looks like it will be a fun one...   Sigh.. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


How to kill a toilet

You might remember,  earlier this week we had another issue with the toilet in our only bathroom. A quick recap for those who missed out on the fun earlier this week. Basically,  Emmett flushed several,  empty toilet paper rolls down the toilet. Now,  in his defense,  they had been collecting and proved to be a temptation that he simply couldn't resist. Anyway, this is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened in the last few months. I spent a good portion of the day plunging the crappie out of that toilet.  Oh..look.. I made a funny :-) The plunger actually broke, so Elliott -who was still manic at the time- and I had to go buy a new one.  Elliott at the store is tough on a good day. …


Should #Autism and Zoloft be mixed?

As with any medication,  results will vary.  Everyone's mileage will be different. We found that out the hard way with Elliott,  our 5 year old Aspie. Elliott was started on a very low dose of Zoloft for his extreme anxiety. Elliott began taking 5 mg/day last week.  He was on it for a total of 3 days before the doctor pulled him off. Even at the tiny dose,  Elliott had a very negative reaction.  He basically went manic.  He was bouncing off the walls,  had insomnia and rapid mood swings. While he was only on the meds for 3 days,  it took almost 5 days for his symptoms to subside,  at least for the most part. However,  during that time,  he missed about 4 days of school. He returned to…


What was the most important day of your life?

This may sound like a weird question but I have my reasons for asking. I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to take the boys to school. They were talking to people about the most important day of their lives. I heard some crazy answers and it got me wondering. What qualifies as the most important day of your life? For me, the most important day of my life was when my children were born. A very close 2nd would be when I married my best friend. I think she would likely agree with my choice. So, what was the most important day of your life? Posted from WordPress for Android


#Autism and OT

Emmett had OT again this afternoon. I have a new video updat to post as well. He did really well today. He every tried some new things. Today was pajama day there and Emmett wore his Elmo pj shirt in honor of it. Great job Mr. Emmett John. Daddy is very proud of you.  ;-)


Back to normal?

Back to normal?  Well,  not really.  However,  Elliott did go back on to school this morning. In some ways he seems to be doing better and others he's not.  He feel asleep to the melatonin last night,  but has been up since 3am. We called the school and explained everything that was going on and they said not to worry.  They will help him through the school day. If nothing else,  at least we will have another set of eyes on him today.  It will be nice to get their opinion of how he's doing. Sometimes when you're around someone all the time,  it's difficult to notice more subtle changes. The school hasn't seen him for a week and that should be more than enough to gauge where he is…