I love their curiosity

One of the things I love the most about my boys is their endless curiosity,  especially Emmett. Emmett loves to investigate how things work. He is always carrying around this magnifying glass with him. One of his most favorite things to do is look at his fish through the magnifying glass,  as you can see in the pictures below. We had to replace one of his fish yesterday as it had died a little while ago.  I don't remember what this new one is called,  but it's orange and Emmett named him Nemo.  That just to precious,  right? We also picked up some Ghost Shrimp,  cause they were like $. 25 each.  He's just fascinated by these little guys....and girls.  Well,  at least one girl anyway.  We have a very,…

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Do you ever feel this way?

I think I know the answer to this but I'm gonna ask the question anyway. Do you ever get to the point with all that special needs parenting entails,  that you feel like you're going to lose your mind? I mean honestly,  with all the screaming,  overstimulation and meltdowns,  do you ever feel like you're going to just lose it? I sure as hell do,  especially on days like today. I think that it's pretty normal to feel this way. I also think it's important to share these feeling so that you and everyone else that is experiencing these feelings,  know that they aren't alone.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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Read more about the article Isn’t #Autism enough?
The large red oval is just one giant cold sore

Isn’t #Autism enough?

I have been suspecting that Emmett is about to begin another fever flare. All the screaming and yelling yesterday and today were sure signs. However, this morning it has been confirmed. He has cold sores appearing on his tongue again. These are small now, maybe about the size of a pea. However, over the next day or so they will grow into what you see in the picture below.  These will last about 10 days before starting to go away for a few weeks. You can understand why he would be miserable. I've talked to so many people that have just never seen anything like it before. Pictured below, is just one of dozen or so cold sores that develop when these fevers pop up. I can't even begin to imagine…

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The Screaming OMG The Screaming

Emmett woke up front his nap and has done nothing but scream.  There is no consoling him. I was trying to let Lizze sleep because she had to increase her meds that control her tremors so she is really tired. Having said that,  I had to go wake her up.  I can't even leave the kids alone long enough to run to the bathroom or brush my teeth. When Emmett is in this darker place,  he is very aggressive,  especially towards Elliott. I was thinking that today was Saturday but then soon realized that it was only Friday.  That means I have to still deal with Saturday filled with screaming and yelling. I wish I knew how to help Emmett because right now his demeanor is a huge stressor for…


Parenting in pain: Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain disorders

I'm not sure how many of you follow my wife's blog.  If you don't,  well,  you really should.  :-) Her blog can be found at DailyMommySurvival. Lizze does a lot of writing about her experience with Fibromyalgia. Aside from being totally proud of everything she does,  her blog is important because there are many special needs parents suffering from similar pain disorders. Things like Fibromyalgia are made much worse by stress.  As many of you are no doubt already aware of,  special needs parenting and stress go hand in hand. I have heard from so many people that are experiencing something similar to my wife. I think this really needs to be spotlighted.  Special needs parenting is challenging enough,  but when you add a chronic pain disorder to the mix, …

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#Autism is exhausting

It's been a really, really long day filled with Emmett screaming,  kicking and fighting.  When Elliott came home from school he added his own screaming to the mix. It was like a duet from hell. It was horribly out of tune,  ear piercing and headache inducing. I would be lying to you if I said that Autism wasn't exhausting,  because it is totally exhausting. Gavin was really the only one who actually listened tonight. Kudos to him for setting a good example tonight. The boys are in bed and Lizze and I have settled onto the couch and are watching our new/old show on NetFlix. Ever since we watched the series Lost,  we haven't found another show that we both are into and can watch together. Since we don't have…


Do you dread parent teacher conferences?

There is something I'm grateful for and it's that we don't have to dread dealing with my boys school. I think parent teacher conferences are a source a stress for many parents, especially those with special needs kids. When our kids were in the local public school system, it was an absolute nightmare. I've been very open and upfront about that. The public school system, in my experience, is grossly inadequate to properly and effectively handle children on the Autism Spectrum. Having moved our oldest to Summit Academy many years ago, school has taken on new meaning. In fact, our middle child, Elliott began attending there this year as well. The school is absolutely one of the best things to happen to my kids. The staff is very capable and highly…

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Ringing in the 4 day weekend with a fever cycle

Emmett is in the period,  right before he spikes a fever and gets the mouth sores.  We have learned the signs over the past year or so. He becomes extremely irritable and much more aggressive.  Typically,  his hands get really got and he becomes very fussy. The last tell tail sign is that he stops eating. Right now,  all signs point to the start of a new fever cycle. These cycles can last for 10 days and are no fun for anyone,  least of all,  Emmett. We are heading into a 4 day weekend so this isn't the ideal way to start things out. As long as he can still make it to the rheumatologist on Monday so we can figure out what is going on,  I'll deal with whatever…