Please say a prayer for my sister

My little sister was taken to the ER earlier this week for what they thought was a migraine.  After a CT scan,  they discovered that all of her sinus cavities were completely full of puss or infection.  They did antibiotics, pain killers and sent her home. They said that this was very unusual to see this type of infection. This morning they have returned to the hospital because her eye is now swollen shut, likely a sign of the infection spreading I would think. I haven't heard anything else yet but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  I keep you all posted as to what happens.  :-) Thanks


Creative Solutions

Elliott's 6th birthday is this Sunday. As you may remember,  he has his EEG scheduled for this Monday.  For whatever reason,  Elliott is stressing out because he doesn't want to have his EEG the day after his birthday. I don't know what the issue really is but my guess is that it has more to do with him not wanting the EEG and less about having it the day after his birthday. He was begging me to reschedule the EEG for another day.  However,  that's not really an option as this test is important. So I offered him another option.  I told him that we could move his birthday instead. He liked that idea and so far that seems to be working to reduce his anxiety. We will be celebrating…


I need my beauty sleep

Today has been a pretty stressful day.  We met with an attorney and had our eyes opened to the reality that if we choose to fight for Lizze's disability, we will have a fight on our hands. We have a few tough decisions ahead of us.  Lizze and I are both completely exhausted and in desperate need of a few things to go right.  The kids are in bed and homework is done.  Lizze and I are starting season 3 of Supernatural tonight.  We are so totally in this show. It's kinda the only thing we have. It would be awesome if Emmett would sleep through the night tonight.  I was up with him much of last night and so I could use some sleep.  Here to hoping :-)


When to put yourself before you special needs children

Lizze and I met with an attorney that specializes in disability claims. He was very pleasant and seemed very competent in this area of law. However,  at this point it seems like bad news.  It's not really even bad news it's discouraging news more than anything else.  Basically,  in today's economic climate,  he won't take the case because most of her disabling conditions are unprovable. Things like migraines,  fibromyalgia and nerve pain are unprovable because there is no definitive test for them. What he said really makes sense and I don't disagree with him but at the same time,  this is a pretty demoralizing.  Basically,  we need to have Lizze reevaluated at the Cleveland Clinic.  Essentially,  no one will question the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic like they will the…


Today’s Victory: 03/01/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Emmett John.  This one is a pretty big deal and I want to see if you folks can see this picture is so cool.  Keep in mind that Emmett has major sensory issues while viewing the picture and tell me what you think.  :-)


Meeting the attorney this morning

Lizze and I are off to meet with our new attorney.  We have decided to fight for her disability.  It was put in place for people like her. The attorney we are going to work with is going to help us with the appeals process.  He only gets paid when we win and only get a % of the lump sum.  This means nothing out of pocket. Hopefully,  all will go well and this process will be relatively painless for her. Lord knows we could really use the disability and Lizze is very clearly disabled.  We just need to clarify some things and the attorney will help us with that.  Wish us luck... Please.  :-)


Way to freaking early

Today started very early for the Lost and Tired family.  Emmett got up about 4:30 this morning and wouldn't go back to bed. I'm sure that part of the problem was that he wasn't feeling good. This is not the best way to start the day....


#Autism and Animals: The Amazing Victory

Sometimes the stars align and we have a victory. Today was one such day. I introduced you all to Bella, the newest member of the Lost and Tired family. I talked about how she seems to be helping Emmett with a few of his challenges. I know this may not be the case for everyone out there but animals and Autism have been a good combination, at least for my kids. We had a major breakthrough this afternoon with my littlest minion, Emmett. Emmett is very sensory sensitive and really struggles in that department. He has to feel the ground to see if it's wet before walking outside. He doesn't like getting water, dirt or mud on his shoes. I can't tell you how many meltdowns we have had over…