It’s gonna be one of those days

It's gonna be one of those days.  Emmett is really having a rough day and there isn't anything I can do to help.  I have no idea what's wrong.  He should be at the tail end of his flare up,  so I'm at a loss. He's super cranky and sooooo easily set off. It's one of those days,  that as a special needs parent,  I realize just how powerless I am to help my boys at times.  :-( On a positive or rather less depressing note,  he has some crazy hair going on today.  It's cute :-) Hanging there Emmett.  Things will get better. Daddy loves you :-)

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#Autism, Overstimulation and OMG my kids are driving me crazy

OMG are my kids in rare form today.  Emmett has been melting down all morning and Elliott has been literally bouncing off the walls.  Neither one of the two youngest can be still.  Gavin is the only one listening and following the rules.  It's like they are hopped up on something.  Realistically,  this is all overstimulation and there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.  We're going to have to limit their exposure to anything,  even remotely stimulating. This is not an easy task but it must be done.  Until someone invents a destimulator, there isn't much else we can do but wait it out.   :-(


Gavin’s Lego Creations: 03/02/2012

I wanted to share with you one of Gavin's latest and greatest Lego creations.  I don't know what he calls this but it has something to do with Star Wars. He's excited to have his picture up with his masterpiece. :-) Please feel free to leave your positive feedback for Gavin in the comments.  :-)


From the bottom of my heart: Thank You

I wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You. Thank you for all the love and support you have shone my family. I have been so humbled by your generosity and kindness. I have tried to respond to each and every one of you with a personal email and/or thank you card. As you know, things don't always go as planned for us. I'm just want you to know how much you all mean to us. I really feel honored to call you friends. We love reading your letters and emails. The boys love getting the postcards ect in the mail as well, so thank you for thank as well. I'm always here is you need anything. I really want to help as many people as I can. Please think about joining…


Biting off more than you can chew

Ms. Bella is growing quite rapidly and is fitting in very well with the rest of the Lost and Tired family. Maggie is even sharing her prized chewy with her.  Having said that,  I think Ms.  Bella is biting off more than she can chew.  She's just to freaking cute.  :-)



We had a small birthday party for Elliott last night. While it wasn't without its problems,  I think it was mostly a success. We ended up with like 20 people at the party last night.  We had cake and ice cream sandwiches -which incidentally,  we forgot to put out- and basically kept it simple. Regardless of how low key we kept it,  Elliott was still overstimulated.  He requested that we not sing happy birthday to him.  :-( After everyone left,  Elliott had a huge meltdown because he didn't want to go to bed.  Lizze and I spent about 25 minutes trying to calm him down before he went to sleep.  Emmett spent the night at Grandma's house after the party and will be returning shortly.  My little sister even made…


Are we crazy?

Are we crazy? Well,  simply put,  yes.  We decided at the last minute to throw together a small part for Elliott's 6th birthday.  It started out really small but will end up being about 20 people. I'm realizing,  once again,  that this was probably not the best idea. The boys are already bouncing off the walls. I'm going to say we were smart about things and have kept it to exactly 1 hour,  but that would imply that we were smart about any of this in the first place. Well the party has started so I'll catch you later.   Wish me luck....


1 step forward 2 steps back

One of the things that I deal with as a special needs parent is the whole 1 step forward 2 steps back thing. The Lost and Tired family is no stranger to this. Emmett is potty trained,  thank God,  and has been for awhile.  However,  in recent months his potty routine has changed. He used to have to take all of his clothes off before going potty. He would then flush,  wash his hands and get dressed or ask for help to get dressed. However,  now he will keep his clothes on,  but won't flush or wash his hands.  It seems like every time I walked into the bathroom,  I find a present,  left behind by Emmett. I'm grateful that we have come this far and I'm extremely proud of…