#Autism and the hat

Emmett is quite the handful but he's also just so stinking cute. Emmett came back from my parents house wearing this Cleveland Indians hat.  He never wears hats and so this was surprising. Typically,  his sensory related challenges prevent him from wearing things like hats.  They are just to uncomfortable. I was even more surprised when he put it back on this morning.  Many times when he does something once,  he never repeats it.  I'm pretty excited that he's willing and in fact,  actually wanting to wear a baseball hat. Awesome job Emmett.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


Elliott’s EEG: Arrived and Signed In

We have arrived and Elliott is signed in and we are waiting.  Elliott is actually doing pretty well.  He seems pretty relaxed and that's definitely a good thing. Hopefully,  this will be quick and painless.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


Elliott’s EEG: Anxiety out the ying yang

We haven't even left the house yet and Elliott is already freaking out. He's been crying all morning and has not been very cooperative with getting dressed. The poor kid is terrified of the wires that are going to be stuck to his head. Hopefully,  this will go well enough to get an accurate measure of whether or not,  something is going on.  I don't see him fighting the procedure,  once it actually begins.  I suspect he will lay there frozen in place.  It's the time leading up to the procedure that's going to be tough. We're taking the other two boys to my parents and then heading up.  I think we are gonna leave early because of the roads.  This appointment should only take like two hours or so. …


Come on…. This weather is just crazy

This is what I found when letting the dogs out before bed.  Just a few days ago,  it was 70°f outside and now we have a few inches of snow,  with more to come. Then it's supposed to be in the 60's this week again.  This weather is killing Lizze.  My heart goes out to all of you dealing with conditions that are worsened by this crazy weather. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.

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How has #Autism changed you?

I was just thinking.  We always talk about how #Autism has affected our kids.  We talk about the challenges,  victories and heartbreak. These are all important things to dialog about,  however,  I have another question. How has Autism changed you? This may seem like a silly question but it really isn't.  Let me share my feelings and then I would love to hear yours. While I'm not personally Autistic, I'm profoundly affected by it anyway.  My 3 boys are all on the Autism Spectrum,  along with my wife.  So I'm basically in the trenches each and every day. Autism has proven to be exhausting for me because with so many people with Autism under one roof,  things tend to be rather chaotic.  I think many of you out there understand…


What happened 6 years ago today?

Elliott Richard turned 6 years old this morning. I know that many of you are new to my blog so I thought I would introduce you to Elliott and share with you something about him. :-) Elliott Richard (ER) is our 6 year old miracle child. He survived a VERY complicated pregnancy and was born premature, 6 years ago today. Shortly after birth his left lung burst followed by his right lung. He then battled pneumonia. It was honestly the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. We were told to prepare for the "worst", At one point he was almost life flighted to the Cleveland Clinic. He spent about 2 weeks in the NICU but fought through it and came out the other side. He is now, ironically,…


Today’s Victory: 03/04/2012

Typically,  Today's Victory is reserved for the awesome things my boys do.  However,  I wanted to do something a bit different today. As you know,  Bella is the newest member of the Lost and Tired family.  So I thought I would share some of the cute things that we get to see first hand and enjoy as a family.  So without further delay,  Today's Victory is brought to you by Bella.  In the past 2 weeks Bella has grown quite a bit.  This growth has been both physically and developmental.  She has begun to get much more confident in herself.  She now is confident enough to sorta challenge Maggie.  In this photo,  Bella has claimed Maggie's kenel as her own. Maggie actually was okay with it as well.  They have…

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EEG Take Two

Tomorrow morning,  Elliott will be taken to Akron Children's Hospital for his second EEG in four or five years. When Elliott was about 18 months old,  he had seizure-like episodes.  He would be walking and all of a sudden,  he would freeze and fall over.  It was like tipping a statue over because he made no attempts to catch himself. This pretty much freaked us out because this happened quite a few times. We would always get him in to seen but they never found anything.  He had an EEG but again,  they never found anything.  He eventually seemed to outgrow these seizure-like episodes. Over the past few months,  Elliott has been complaining about shaking.  This occurs mostly at night and wakes him out of a dead sleep.  He says…