The tippy toe dance

I love my boys,  I truly do.  I consider myself a patient guy but goddamn it,  I can only take so much. Right now,  I have reached a saturation point,  meaning,  I can't absorb or cope with anything else right now. The boys are each tippy toe dancing on my last nerve.  Gavin is actually well behaved,  but is in a place where he feels the needs to tell me every single thing he thinks.  It's nonstop and quite often repetitive.  I try to listen to him,  I honestly do.  I just can't do it forever and Gavin have no off switch,  volume dial or mute button. Emmett is driving everyone crazy.  He's screaming over everything and has been quite aggressive lately.  He has been hitting Lizze and Elliott today. …


I’ve heard of brown nosing but…

As the title states,  I've heard of brown nosing before,  I'm sure we all have.  However,  in the long standing tradition of the Lost and Tired family,  my kids don't do anything by the books. Elliott,  not content to simply be the typical brown noser,  decided to rise above the common title of brown noser and all together change the color. You've all heard of having a green thumb. Well, Elliott, in keeping with that particular color scheme,  has become the green noser.  :-) In reality,  while his nose is green,  it got that way from a giant sucker he had been working on for a little while.  To be honest,  it looks a lot like clown paint. It was just cute picture and so I thought I would share…

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#Autism, Anxiety and Risperdal: Day 5

We have hit day 5 of Elliott being on Risperdal and are having mixed results. So far,  some days have been better than others.  Overall,  I would say that his anxiety is reduced and I think that's fairly obvious? We have been seeing the whining and anxiousness rearing it's ugly little head again.  However,  I have to say that Elliott has been much,  much more cooperative and pleasant to be around.  It's notbthat he was ever unpleasant,  it's just the whining was like water that slowly eroded away my patience and sanity. The biggest change thus far is the fact that he seems to be happier.  Before he was always worried about something and now he just seems more relaxed. It does my heart good to see him happier.  He…


My sister ran 26 miles for #Autism

Awhile ago, I posted about my sister,  Kate,  running a marathon in Washington DC.  She was raising money for the Organization for Autism Research.  Well,  the marathon was today and she finished a little while ago.  She ran after injuring her leg previously.  At mile 9, she thought she was going to have to stop because her leg felt like it was on fire.  However,  she pushed through the pain and ran another 16 miles to finish the race. Thanks a lot Kate.  Running for Autism is great cause.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


#Autism: What to do with down time

If your anything like me,  not that you would want to be,  you relish every break you get from the trials and tribulations of special needs parenting.  For me,  it's not that I don't like being with my three boys with #Autism,  because I do,  it's just nonstop and exhausting. A few times a year,  my wife and I find ourselves childless for a few hours. Today is one of those rare days where Emmett is with my parents and Elliott and Gavin are with Lizze's parents.  You would think this is a good thing and it is but it's also a challenge in and of itself. Perhaps that sounds weird but let me explain.  First of all,  this hardly ever happens. Sure we might be down one or two…

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Not cool man, not cool at all

Some might say it's a victimless crime,  but I beg to differ.  I regret to inform you that the daffodil,  affectionately known as yellow to the Lost and Tired family,  was brutally murdered this afternoon by an unknown assailant. The coroner's report is pending but decapitation seems like the cause of death at this point. You may remember yellow from an earlier post today. I don't know what kind monster would do something this hanious and perhaps I never will. While yellow only lived a few short hours, she brightened the day of hundreds of my readers, including this writer. I'm grateful to have witnessed her brilliant beauty,  even if all I have is a picture to remember her by.  :-( She was the first flower of 2012 for the…


How I keep the Lost and Tired family organized

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a paid advertisement. I actually use this service everyday and I wanted to share this information because I think it can benefit you. By following the link below and signing up for your FREE account, I get extra storage space for referring you. That's it. This is a great service and it has saved my more times than I can count. I hope you find it as useful as I do.    I always like to share some tricks of the trade with readers. Today, I want to share a bit of FREE technology that helps me to keep this blog up and synchronized while on the go. We are living in a technologically advanced society and we should take advantage of this technology in order to make our…


I received an award today

I received an award this morning.  To be completely honest, I'm not exactly sure what I did to deserve this but someone sure felt I deserved it and that someone was Emmett. He told me that it was my award and that had to put in on my shirt and not my skin. On my shirt it went and I wore it proudly, until it feel off at some point and I lost it.  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android