Worse for ware

Today has brought with it even more challenge.  I'm definitely sick and completely lacking in the energy and motivation department. As much as I'm trying,  there's just nothing there. Lizze is having to step up and take care of things that are really difficult for her to do in her condition.  I'm both proud of her and heartbroken at the same time. She's in a great deal of pain and just pushing her way through it. I hate the fact that she has to do this and it breaks my heart. I'm trying to help out as much as possible right now. Hopefully,  I'll get through this quick and Lizze won't get any worse and lose any progress she's made..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please…


And another one bites the dust…..

Sadly,  I'm no longer fighting anything off.  I'm being overtaken by it.  Looks like I lost this battle.  I've got my NyQuil on board and I'm slathered in Vicks.  I'm not even sure how I'm writing this right now ;-) I think this is going to be a long next couple of days..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Elliott seems to be getting worse

Elliott seems to be getting worse and not better. His cough has gotten much worse and his fever is back. To further add concern,  he took a nap yesterday and today.  That literally never happens. He just looks miserable and it's tough to see him like that.  He was originally diagnosed with a really,  really bad sinus infection.  Apparently it was so bad the doctor thought he may need two rounds of antibiotics. It seems to have moved to his chest but I can't find my stethoscope to confirm that. Right now he's laying in bed playing a game and waiting to fall asleep.  I'm hoping for his sake and mine that he sleeps tonight.  I really need the sleep and so does he. Please keep him in your thoughts...…

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Did I do something wrong?

There are times,  like today mind you,  that I feel like I've done something wrong.  You know,  like in a previous life or something. The reason I say that is because for the past few hours Emmett has been screaming and I mean SCREAMING.  I know he doesn't feel well,  that's obvious,  but goddamit is he difficult right now. He's being super picky about everything and if it's even the tiniest bit imperfect,  all hell breaks loose. As the day goes on,  I'm feeling crappier and crappier.  Ergo,  I'm able to tolerate less and less. The cough medicine with codeine I got today is sounding better and better.  I'm trying to avoid taking it because the kids are still sick and we need to go anywhere in the middle of…


The big question: Do I have pneumonia?

Lizze finally got me to go to the doctors today.  I haven't been feeling really good lately but I haven't been so bad that I thought I needed to be seen.  However,  Lizze,  in her infinite wisdom,  loves to remind me that when I do, on occasion,  get sick,  I end up in the hospital. So I went to Aultman North, this morning.  It's basically like going to your regular doctor when you can't get in to see your regular doctor.  It's a step down from the ER. If I'm being honest,  I was getting concerned because I have an occasional cough.  However,  when I do cough,  my chest feels like it's on fire.  I felt that before but only when I have a really bad cough that is almost…


On my way to the doctors

I'm getting concerned that I may have something a bit more serious brewing right now.  I only cough every once in awhile but when I do my chest is on fire like I'd been coughing for days. I'm pretty sure that's not normal.  Lizze really wants me to get checked out and that's probably not a bad idea. Hopefully,  everything is alright and my lungs are clear.  I'd check them myself but I can't find my stethoscope. Wish me luck :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


The road to recovery

It's Sunday and we survived a week of the kids being sick.  I happy to report that they seem to be doing much better. While they're not 100% yet,  they are getting there and for that,  I'm extremely grateful.  :-) I want to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers.  Things could have definitely gone much worse,  especially for Emmett.  Please accept my sincerest thank you.  I truly appreciate everything. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism: How I manage a meltdown

For many years we dealt with meltdowns in solitude. We didn't ever let anyone see these because we didn't think they would understand.  It seemed like something we should keep private. However, all that did was further isolate us from the rest of the world. We would explain to our friends and family about the meltdowns but never allowed them to witness one. Anytime Gavin would get all worked up we would leave and deal with that at home, away from everyone else. That was one of the biggest mistakes we could have made. I say that because, there is no way I could expect anyone to understand the gravity and impact of one of these meltdowns. I mean, how could they. It's difficult to put into words what not…