The return to school

Elliott returned to school this morning. He wasn't excited about going but it was time that he returned to school. It will take him a bit to adjust but he'll be just fine. Emmett on the other hand, freaked out this morning when his brothers left.. He's used to them being home and so the change was difficult to for him. Hopefully, everyone will survive the day and remain healthy. We so need to catch a break..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Lunch in the office

Gavin had a rather rough afternoon today at school.  Apparently,  at lunch time,  Gavin became frustrated because he couldn't find something he wanted to work on. There was something about him leaving the lunch line to find it.  When he gave up looking,  he had lost his place in line and he had to start over,  which lead to a huge meltdown.  He ended up having to eat in the office today. Gavin's memory of the event is rather fuzzy and so his version is all I have to go on until I speak to the school about it.  The whole eating in the office thing was probably done,  more for Gavin's benefit than anything else.  They're very understanding of behavioral issues..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and…


Major Victory: 03/27/2012

We had what I consider to be,  a major victory.  Mr.  Emmett John is dead set on being as independent as possible.  The other day,  his bottle of Gatorade was empty and he needed more. What did he do?  Well,  we were out of Gatorade so he opened the lid in his bottle and went into the fridge.  He grabbed what was left of a gallon of tea and poured it into his empty Gatorade bottle.  He did all of this without spilling a single drop and he even disposed of the empty tea jug. When I saw was he did,  I was literally amazed.  I mean,  I don't want him taking things out of the fridge without asking but damn,  it's hard to be be upset with that kind…


Return to the Geneticist: The plan going forward

Lizze did a great job today at Akron Children's Hospital as did Emmett.  Many things were discussed but what came out of it was a plan for moving forward. Basically,  the geneticist wants to do a very detailed chromosomal study as well as a complete chemical panel. Looking at his immunological records shows that is IgA is out of whack.  However,  he said that is very common in kids with severe allergies. So that is likely nothing to worry about. It will take about a month to get the results back from the lab and about a week to get insurance to cover it.  Apparently,  they don't do this test very often. Either way,  the hope is that we can maybe find some answers as to what is causing these…


When the kids take care of the parents

As a special needs parent,  I'm used to being the care taker. However,  today I'm the one being cared for.  I had a glass of chocolate soy milk and it was almost gone.  Emmett wanted to take care me,  so he took my glass and refilled it for me.  Although when he brought it back to me,  it was 90% water and 10% soy milk.  Luckily,  he didn't make me drink it,  but I would have if I had to :-) It would just be one of those things we have to sometimes swallow for our kids. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye…

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Return to the Geneticist: Emmett’s Journey Begins

Today is big day for the Lost and Tired family. Emmett makes his return to the geneticist at Akron Children's Hospital. The goal of this appointment is try and identify exactly what is going on with him. The hope is that if we can genetically identify what is going on,  than we will remove any questions as to what it is.  The more we know, the better and more effectively we can treat his pain and his symptoms. There are to many unknowns when it comes to his health and wellness.  Hopefully,  we will finally be able to help him with his fevers and mouth sores. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive…


Elliott and Emmett update: 03/26/2012

Lizze had both Elliott and Emmett to the pediatrician's office this morning,  with the help of her mother.  As it turns out,  they are both actually doing better. It's one of those get worse before it gets better kinda things. At least we know that we are headed in the right direction. That certainly makes me feel better. I'm not sure if Elliott will be in school tomorrow but Emmett will be at the geneticist.  It's a really important appointment that could help us by providing more information about what he's going through so we can perhaps,  treat it more effectively. The pediatrician has expressed concern about Emmett’s immune system.  Now,  he was tested for what Gavin has and everything shows normal. That doesn't mean that we haven't missed something. …


How do I know when my Aspie is sick?

Over the years,  I have learned a few tricks that helped to be a better special needs parent. One of the most important things I have picked up on is the ability to read the subtle cues. For example,  I'm able to tell the difference between Elliott just not feeling well and actually being sick. Elliott never takes a nap and I mean never.  So at 3pm in the afternoon,  when Elliott is passed out on the couch,  I know he truly isn't feeling well and is sick. Sometimes, as special needs parents,  we have to rely on our instincts more than most.  At times,  it's all we have to go on,  especially if your child can't communicate what is going on or how they are feeling. **Thanks for reading**…