#Autism statistics: What’s the point?

Admittedly,  I have been out of touch for most of the day but I know that the new #Autism statistics have been released.  The numbers are pretty scary if you ask me.  However,  I just have to ask, what's the point? I mean,  as soon as the new DSM is released and the new criteria takes affect,  those numbers will no longer be accurate.  Does that make sense? Are they looking to sorta cook the books,  so to speak?  In other words,  if a large segment of the autistic community is going to quite possibly be removed by the autism diagnostic criteria,  won't that affect the statistics? Instead of 1/88,  what will it be?  I just don't understand the point of putting out the statistics now, if they're doing to…


I just can’t take it tonight

I love Gavin,  I truly do.  But I swear to God,  if I have to keep repeating myself,  I'm going to take a vow of silence. I mean,  I might as well because all I'm doing anymore is repeating the somethings,  over and over again. We just experienced another Gavin meltdown tonight.  This time it was because Gavin was housing around with Emmett and Emmett got hurt.  You may recall that we had to put the Gavin doesn't touch anyone without permission or supervision.  If you don't remember,  we have had problems with...um...boundaries. These issues resulted in having to institute a rule that Gavin is to make no physical contact with other people without first getting permission from that person.  In the case of his brothers,  the same applies only…


Special Needs Parenting: Powerless and in the dark

This is a post designed purely for the purpose of venting. It also simply part of the reality that we live in and therefore part of our story. Having said that,  I'm also sharing this because it's a real life problem for many people,  and not just the Lost and Tired family.  Lizze,  Emmett and I arrived home from some errands to find that our power had been shut off. This is how I know that things aren't going as well as they could be.  I'm trying to see the silver lining or at least find some humor but it a bit difficult because I'm getting frustrated. The Lost and Tired family has been essentially living on a bubble for awhile now. What that basically means is that we have been…


This mornings trials

This morning is kind of rough one. I can barely keep my eyes open and I have to watch Emmett while Lizze goes to physical therapy this morning.. Emmett seems to be feeling better but he's um, rather grumpy and demanding. All I can say is,  I'm glad he's feeling better.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Elliott’s Lego Creation: 03/28/2012

I have to admit that I'm not sure what this one is all about. I do know that he was excited about it and specifically asked for me to share it will my readers.  :-) It's probably a safe bet that it has something to do with Super Mario Brothers. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Through the eyes of #Autism: Suckers

I wanted to take a second and share a bit more insight into special needs parenting and what makes my youngest, Emmett John, tick. I think that real life examples are really helpful in understanding some of the challenges the Lost and Tired family faces on a daily basis. This may seem like a silly example but I assure you, the fallout from this type of situation is very really real and exhausting for all involved. One of Emmett's favorite treats or rewards are suckers. However, if we buy a bag of suckers, only some of them will be edible to him. Sometimes the color will present a problem but more often than not, it's the imperfections that get us. So you can see what I'm talking about I have prepared this example. One of…

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The lighter side of #Autism: Me and my minion

I wanted to share another view of what I call, the lighter side of #Autism, Seizures at least as far as the Lost and Tired family is concerned. We experience a lot of the drama,  anxiety and complications that can come along with Autism. I feel that I share those experiences quite openly and honestly. The truth of the matter is that even I can get caught up in all of the less than pleasant experiences we live through each and every day. I guess it would be like missing the forest for the trees. Anyway,  I'm making a conscious effort to highlight some of the lighter moments as well. This is a lighter moment between me and Emmett. He is feeling better and to a much lesser extent,  so…


One giant step for Gavin, One giant leap for independence

I meant to share this this the other day but I have just been to under the weather and forgot. However, I think this is worth mentioning. While Lizze was at the pediatrician's, and with Elliott and Emmett, Family I was home with Gavin. Anyway, I was really not feeling well and half asleep on the couch.. Gavin was laying down watching TV. He decided that he needed lunch and I just couldn't get up.. Gavin said he would make himself a sandwich so I said that was ok. I was really out of it because I would never have just sent him to make himself lunch. Gavin actually made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He left no mess and didn't hurt himself. He did a really good…