From my perspective: What’s for breakfast

At this very moment,  I'm staring at my breakfast. I'm working really hard to get and stay healthy.  I started by adjusting my diet.  I'm eating a ton of fruit and working on the veggies.  :-) This morning I'm having a fruit salad for breakfast. It included the following: Pineapple Green Apple x1 Banana x1 Strawberry x3 Yogurt x .5 cups Kashi Granola x .5 cups 1 glass of chocolate soy milk This is pretty random but I wanted to share a little bit more about me.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: They come in 3’s

The last time I spoke with Lizze,  Elliott had already experienced 3 seizures. That was about 9pm last night. I'm laying next to Emmett,  who's having his own problems and feeling completely helpless.  I realize its totally irrational but I can't do anything to help them.  I hate feeling helpless or powerless to take away what ails them. I wish I could do and be more to them.. :'( The pictures are courtesy of Lizze :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


The Lighter Side of #Autism: A boy and his dog

Part of my goal for #Autism Awareness month is help people see what Autism can be like in real life.  There are many sides to #Autism and I want to take this opportunity to share a bit of the lighter, more positive side. Because it does actually happen,  not nearly enough, but it does happen.  Here's the proof. :-) Does is get any cuter this?  I mean,  I know I bias but honestly, this is pretty friggin' cute..  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Today’s Victory: 04/05/2012

Today's Victory goes out to Mr.  Emmett John.  Today was a big step forward.  He decided that he wanted to make his own lunch this afternoon.  He actually made himself a turkey sandwich, all by himself. He doesn't like bread and ended up only eating the turkey,  however,  he's got the right idea.  So very proud of you Emmett :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: Seizure within the first 10 minutes

I just heard from Lizze.  Apparently,  Elliott was hooked up for only 10 minutes when the staff ran into the room.  There is a button Lizze is supposed to push when she sees anything suspicious. Apparently,  Elliott had just had a seizure. However,  there was no visible signs that Lizze could see. Elliott was just sitting in bed watching cartoons when it happened. I'm guessing this must have been an absent seizure. Basically, his body just kinda pauses or shuts down during this period of time.  Elliott isn't aware that it happened,  so at least there's that. I'll be really honest with you,  I sorta freaking out right now.  I feel like I should be there to make sure everything is alright. Lizze is doing a fantastic job its just…

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#Autism, Seizures and EEG’s: Elliott has begun his 24 hour EEG

Lizze and Elliott have begun the 24 hour EEG a little while ago.  The EEG almost didn't happen.  If Gavin had been hospitalized last night,  especially in Youngstown, the EEG would have had to be rescheduled. This afternoon,  Elliott began with a fever,  literally minutes before walking out the door. After consulting with the neurology department at Akron Children's Hospital,  it was decided that he needed to go anyway.  Apparently, him being sick will work to our advantage when looking for seizures.  I guess the body is weaker and they show up more.  Perhaps my friend Kat can jump in and explain that...PLEASE. Anyway,  the test has begun and I at home with Emmett and Gavin.  I feel pretty helpless at the moment.  I will share information as I get…


Whooping cough reaches epidemic proportions

This post is not intended to start an argument but instead bring us all together so help solve a serious problem.  Parents shouldn't be judged for either vaccinating or choosing not to vaccinate.  Instead of fighting,  perhaps we could work together to find solutions to these vaccine related concerns. The truth is that some kids are seriously injured by vaccines.  However,  not vaccinating your child does not guarantee protection from Autism.  While I don't personally believe vaccines are related to Autism,  I respect that others parents do. We must work out a way to keep our kids safe.....period.  Right now we have Autism and very serious,  preventable diseases on the rise.  Something needs to happen and there is clearly not perfect solution.  However,  I think it's good to have a…


Judging a special needs family: A look beneath the surface

This post is dedicated to all those special needs families out there doing the very best they can in a challenging situation. This post is meant to help educate those who are quick to judge. I want to provide an example of the kind of things that frequently occur to the Lost and Tired family.  These occurrences often, completely disrupt our lives and force us to re-prioritize..  As a result,  many things happen that otherwise wouldn't. Chores don't get done and bills don't get paid -just as an example-. I feel it's important that this is understood because there are so many families out there that go through a very similar thing.  The absolute worst feeling is when you know that you are doing everything possible and it's not enough.…