Today’s Victory: 04/15/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr. Emmett John himself. Emmett is perhaps the pickiest eater I have personally come across and with 2 other kids on the #Autism spectrum,  that's saying something.. For those that may be missing the significance of what's going on in this photo,  I'll be glad to explain. Lizze had steamed some peas for herself and had quite a bit left over as she was the only one eating them. However, out of nowhere,  Emmett began asking questions about the peas and asked if it was okay if he ate them.  This is so friggin big because Emmett will not eat vegetables. He has even backed off on fruit as well. Getting him to eat anything anymore has become a challenge and out of…

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The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/14/2012

I attempted to take Elliott together his hair cut this afternoon only to remember that we had a flat tired.  The mention of getting his hair cut sent him into full blown panic mode. However,  Lizze's mom and dad picked him up and managed to get him to cooperate with exercising all that crazy hair he had going on. The anxious and overstimulated Elliott Richard arrived home about an hour or so later,  looking very handsome.  No sooner did he get home,  he fell asleep on the couch.  Bella took the opportunity to snuggle up to him and fall asleep as well. I so love the quiet moments.  They don't happen very often, but when they do, they are so amazing for me.  While the Lost and Tired family experiences…


#Autism: Special dietary needs

Some of you may recall that not only does Emmett have #Autism and PFAPA but also food allergies.  Emmett is allergic to milk, soy, egg and lactose.  Finding foods that are milk,  soy,  egg and lactose free is really difficult to do.  Trying to find foods without these ingredients,  that Emmett will actually eat,  is darn near impossible. Over the last year or so,  with everything going on,  we have become a bit complacent with managing Emmett special dietary needs. It's not that we are lazy or don't care but rather overwhelmed with to many things and honestly,  Emmett diet has taken a back burner. As a result,  Emmett is having tummy issues and horrible,  wicked gas.  You simply wouldn't believe the unnatural oder that can permeate from this tiny…


What does Lost and Tired stand for?

I thought it would be a good idea to share a bit about why I have started and actively maintain this blog. Many of you are already familiar with this but many of my new readers may not. To me, Lost and Tired says everything.  Those three words so accurately describe how I feel,  on many occasions. The purpose of my blog is to raise #Autism awareness by opening up our lives in a way that few others do. I feel that the only way people are going to understand is if they are allowed to step into my shoes for a short period of time. As an example,  most people unfamiliar with #Autism could not begin to imagine what a meltdown is like.  How could they?  If I didn't…


When you know it’s gonna be one of those days: 04/14/2012

How do you know when it going to be one of those days? Well, today I knew it was going to be a bad day because when I took the dogs out,  this is what I found. Luckily,  the screw is smack dab in the middle of a tread.  It should easily be plugged but this wasn't on my already overloaded to do list for today. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism:The Politically Correct Minefield

I wrote this back in December 2011 but I think it's still very relevant.   What does wishing someone a "Merry Christmas" and saying "my child is Autistic" have in common?  Read on to find out. Something has been bothering me lately and it's time I sound off and speak my mind.  I apologize if I offend anyone with my opinions but they are what they are. I've grown tired of all the political correctness police out there in the world today. I fully understand that no one wants to be offend,  or worse offend someone else,  but it's gotten out of control. I noticed something this year.  I found myself wishing people a Happy Holidays instead of a Merry Christmas. I realized that last week and you know what,  it…


What does #Autism Awareness month mean to you?

We all know that April is #Autism Awareness month. It's all over the news and internet.  #Autism is a hot topic once again. We hear talk about the new statistics and the debate over the new DSM.  After being around the community for awhile now,  I have grown to really appreciate and respect your opinions and experience. In keeping with that,  I would like to know what #Autism Awareness month means to you?  What do you like about it currently and what would you change, if you could? I would really love to hear your thoughts on this.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see…


#Autism: Can we talk about seizures

I'm new to this whole seizures thing and so I'm not sure what to do.  Gavin is still having absent seizures,  even on the depakote. Lizze walked into Gavin's room this afternoon and he was sitting in bed,  holding the remote for his NetFlix box and staring at a blank screen.  When she tried to get his attention,  he wouldn't respond. After the 5th or 6th attempt to get his attention he startled because to him,  it was like Lizze had come out of nowhere. The time it took for Lizze to get him to respond was maybe 30 seconds.  However,  we have no idea how long it lasted prior to that.  It was long enough that whatever show he had been watching had ended and timed out. Are absent…