Things I never thought I’d say to my kids: 04/16/2012
This is one of those conversations I never expected to have with any of my kids. It went as follows: Elliott: Daddy, where is the hand sanitizer? Me: It's in the kitchen Elliott, are you okay? Elliott: No, actually I'm not. Me: Elliott, what's wrong? Elliott: When I was picking Bella up, I accidentally touched her penis. Me: Umm. Elliott, Bella doesn't have a penis. Elliott: Well, what is that pointy thing? Me: That is called a vagina. Realizing where this conversation was going I channeled my inner Kindergarten Cop and said Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. I think I'm going to go hide now. That is enough of that kind of talk for one day, or really a lifetime. :-) **Thanks for reading** …