Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Give-A-Way 04/21/2012-04/27/2012

Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Give-A-Way 04/21/2012-04/27/2012

I have partnered with Samsung Mobile in order to bring you this fantastic give-a-way. This give-a-way is for a Brand New, 16GB WiFi Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9. If you are unfamiliar with the Samsung Galaxy line of devices, you can learn about them here. They are widely considered the best of the best. I wholly prefer them to the Apple line of devices for several reasons:

1) Hardware                                                                  

2) Android OS

3) Build Quality

4) Price

5) Features


I’m a huge advocate for the use of Android devices to help children with #Autism. Android is designed for customization and frequently updated. The Samsung Galaxy line of Tablets are the very best available.

The screens are bright, vibrant and very responsive, not to mention durable. Samsung is also one of the few major electronic companies that are involved in the Autism Community. 


Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Specifications:

Operating System: Android 3.1, Honeycomb

Camera (Front): Front Camera: 2.0 Megapixel

Camera (Rear): Rear Camera: 3.0 Megapixel Auto Focus with Flash

Dimensions : (W x H x D) 9.1 x 6.2 x .34 inches

Weight: 15.8 oz.

Battery: Li-polymer, 6100mAh

Usage Time: Up to 9 hours

Standby Time: Up to 850 hours (Wi-Fi on), Up to 2500 hours (Wi-Fi off)

Memory/Storage: 16GB Internal Memory

WiFi: WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n

USB: USB 2.0 H/S

Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0

Display: 8.9” WXGA (1280×800) TFT (PLS)

User Interface:  Widgets, Smart Unlock, Accelerometer, Bilingual: Spanish/English

Audio: MP3, M4A, MP4, 3GP, 3GA, WMA, OGG, ACC, FLAC

Video: 1080p playback, 3GP, MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV, MKV (Codec: MPEG4, H.263, Sorenson H.263, H.264, VC-1

Fun and Entertainment:  Full HTML Web Browser, Books, Browser, Email, Gallery, Gmail™, Google Maps™, Android Market, Google Search™, Google Talk™, Voice Search, Latitude, Music Hub, Navigation, Places, Pulse, Polaris Office, Samsung Apps, YouTube, Music Player, Media Hub, Social Hub

Business and Office: DOCUMENT FILES

Word File: doc, docx, xml, txt, rtf, dot, dotx Excel File: xls, xlsx, csv, xlt, xltx PowerPoint: ppt, pptx, pot, potx, pps, ppsx PDF: pdf

Now for the give-a-way.

This give-a-way is for a Brand New, 16GB WiFi Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9. This tablet has never been opened and is ready for immediate shipment. This give-a-way is for US residents ONLY. Also, no members of the Lost and Tired family are eligible for this give-a-way, sorry guys 🙂

This give-a-way begins at the time of this post and runs through 12:01 AM on 04/27/2012.

This is hosted by Rafflecopter.

If you have any problems using the entry widget, please contact me. Good Luck.



The Bella-in-a-box

I thought I would share this because it's pretty darn funny.  Bella had gotten into the dog food closet and got her head stuck in the dog biscuit box.  She kept running into the wall and falling over.  She wasn't getting hurt and it wasn't easy to catch her. I was totally cracking up...  Maggie was even trying to help her get the box off her head. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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Gavin’s Lego Creation: 4/20/2012

While Gavin was receiving his 11th antibody infusion yesterday,  the nurses brought him a few presents.  One of these presents was a large Lego Transformer set. Gavin came home and got it put together and wanted you all to see it. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


11th Antibody Infusion: Successful

While I wasn't present for this particular infusion,  Lizze tells me that Gavin did really,  really well.  He behaved well and his body tolerated the infusion itself quite well also. There was brief discussion of increasing the dose of IVIg. That is something for another post on another day. They also discussed whether or not we will continue the infusions through the summer.  Apparently, some parents choose to take a break during the summer.  However,  when the kids start up again,  the side effects can be pretty bad.  We will continue through the summer. Bottom line is that Gavin did great and we are really proud of him. There was something else that happened while Lizze and Gavin were at Akron Children's Hospital.  Lizze will be posting about that tonight.…


Random Emmett John: 04/19/2012

Yesterday was a really emotional and crazy day.  However,  there were really cute pictures of Emmett John taken.  I meant to share these yesterday but it escaped my slippery mind. :-P Anyway,  I wanted to share these because Emmett is just to friggin adorable. The last picture is my personal favorite. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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The ever changing plans

As soon many of you out there can relate to, the Lost and Tired family never makes plans because life is a moving target.  We are constantly having to change and adjust because with 3 special needs boys and a disabled wife, something always seems to come up. Today has been no exception. Lizze was supposed to have PT this morning and my mom was going to hang out with Emmett. I was supposed to be at Akron Children's Hospital all day with Gavin as he received his 11th antibody infusion.  I think it's his 11th, they have all blurred together now.  When he was done we had to go straight to Dr.  Reynolds for an emergency psychiatric appointment.  However,  instead of that happening we had to change plans. Lizze…


Too tired to sleep

I'm so tired that I can't sleep.  Sounds like and oxymoron, right?  I'm living proof that there something to that.  It's very possible to be so tired that you can't sleep,  especially when you can't get your mind to slow down. I have so many thoughts racing around my head that it's like watching cars in a race track when I close my eyes. Writing helps me to relax and center myself.  That would by why I'm posting at 2am. I have a pretty big day tomorrow. Gavin has his next antibody infusion in the morning.  That will easily take half the day.  The past few infusions have been more of a struggle because Gavin is not tolerating the procedure as well as he used to. He physically tolerates it…


My worst fear

Today has been one of those days I would not want to ever repeat. My stress level is absolutely through the roof. When Emmett wouldn't respond to us yesterday,  that was the longest 45 minutes I've experienced in a really long time.  When the episode resolved itself,  and he was back-for lack of a better word-the fear didn't resolve.  When we called the doctor and explained what happened, it sounded seizure related.  That was something I could process. Don't get me wrong,  I would never wish seizures on any of my kids,  ever.  At that moment,  seizures made sense to everyone involved and it explained the otherwise unexplainable. It's not like anyone knew for sure what was happening but it was better to be safe than sorry and with Gavin’s…