#Autism: My kid is a filler

Emmett John is my 3 year old with #Autism and #PFAPA.  He's many things, amazing, sweet, loving, compassionate, intelligent and challenging. I could go on and on listing his qualities but I want this to be a short post. Among all the things listed,  Emmett is also a filler. What do I mean by a filler?  Well,  Emmett likes everything to always be full.  If he drinks some of his Gatorade,  for example,  he needs to open another one and top it off. When the hand sanitizer is low,  he fills it up with water. He's a filler...  :-) What I don't however get,  is that he'll empty one bottle of Gatorade in order to fill another,  and he's okay with it.  :-! Do any of your children have the…


Bella fits right in

The longer Bella is with us,  the more we realize just how well she fits in. Almost everyone in the Lost and Tired family chews on things,  so why should Bella be any different.  Well,  she's not.  I found this yesterday and was anything but pleased. It my vacuum cleaner.  Sure I can fix it but I don't have accidental coverage through Best buy.  I just don't know if this is considered accidental or not.  :-) This was totally my fault.  I mean,  I didn't put the cord in her mouth and force her to crew on it but I did leave it on the floor. Oh well,  it will either be a cheap fix or a free replacement.  Either way,  lesson learned. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost…

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#Autism: Worries of regression

I live in constant fear of my kids regressing. I experienced that horror with Gavin when he was about 4 years old. Over the years,  Gavin continues to regress. Out of nowhere,  he would lose a skill he had already mastered but would usually gain it back or was able to relearn it. However,  anymore,  Gavin just loses the skill and simply doesn't recover. With that being said,  I extremely worried about Emmett because he's at the same age that we lost Gavin and he seems to be slipping. This is just the latest example of Emmett regressing.  Emmett has been completely potty trained for quite some time now.  However,  until about 6 months ago,  Emmett wouldn't have to strip naked to go potty.  He moved past that and we…


#Autism: Ignorance and Judgement

This post is dedicated to all the beautiful families out there that have been touched by #Autism more than once. While my words won't remove the sting of another person's snap judgement, hopefully it will at least feel good to know that you aren't alone :-) Dealing with ignorance and insensitivity I'm sorry to hear of your situation and of your wife's illness. That must be very difficult on you and your family. I hope she is doing better and recovers soon. However I find it difficult to have empathy for your having 3 children with autism. I'm sure you understand once you have one child with autism the risk for the other children having autism greatly increases with each child thereafter. So knowing that information I would have assumed…


The “Autism Help” app has been updated

The "Autism Help" app has been updated ***This is a MANDATORY update*** The "Autism Help" app has been updated. Please uninstall and reinstall from the Google Play Store. This is not a version change but rather a URL fix. Until you uninstall your current version and reinstall the app I released today, you will be unable to connect to the forums.   Instructions to update: 1) From your device, log into the Google Play Store 2) Search for "Autism Help" 3) Click the "Uninstall" button 4) Once uninstalled click "Install" <--------- Click Me


The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/21/2012

Today has been pretty crappy and stress filled.  However,  on the lighter side of things,  Bella is really a good dog and is actually continuing to help Emmett move forward or at least become more comfortable where he is.  :-) I would say that's worth something. On a side note,  Bella is getting really big and I'm not sure Emmett understands that she's going to get big. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


The longest weekend

This has been a really long weekend and it's only Saturday...and Elliott and Gavin were at Grandma's last night. Emmett is just really struggling with many things right now. He essentially has no outlet as he is no longer in occupational therapy. We have had a great deal happening lately and I haven't really been able to get him out to the park to play. So he's very short tempered and much more aggressive than he has been in awhile. Since Elliott and Gavin have returned home a few hours ago,  it has been nonstop whining,  fighting and/or screaming.  It's enough to convince even the sanest and most grounded among us to hop aboard the train to crazyville.  If spring break was any indication of what summer break is going…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/21/2012

This is a picture of Emmett and I goofing around with the camera on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus.  He even applied the filters and frame.  Fun was had by all. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)