#Autism: Those little quirks

It's been awhile since I posted about one of Emmett's little quirks. This one was actually a bit annoying but still cute. Today,  Emmett found a box of bandages and decided that it would be best to pull them all apart. He pulled apart something like 200 bandaids. However,  some didn't make the cut.  The ones that were. Not perfect got trashed. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Early night

I'm so beyond tired right now.  I'm just now sitting down for the first time today. Emmett has been a handful today. He's almost asleep and God willing,  he'll be that way till tomorrow morning around 8am. I may crash for the night when he dose. I'll share more tomorrow but for now I'm going to bed. Night all.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Meltdown Monday: 04/30/2012

Starting out the week in true Lost and Tired family fashion, we have already had our first meltdown of the week.  Lizze and I decided to turn the TV off because Gavin was zoning out and ignoring everyone (not seizure related this time).  He then muttered something under his breath that Lizze and I both heard.  He claims he didn't say anything.  However, we both heard the very same thing. He wasn't in trouble because it wasn't that big of a deal.  We just didn't like the fact that he was not being truthful about what he said. Maybe he didn't realize that he said it out loud?  Either way,  he completely overreacted and that of course, lead to the first meltdown of the week. I think this stems from…

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Pushing me towards crazy

Gavin's has been in rare form this weekend. I'm not sure what's going on with him but he is struggling just a bit.  I don't think it has anything to do with the EEG because he's actually really excited to go. I know that sounds weird but he's really stoked about the food.  He has a thing for hospital food.  All I know is that he's driving me nuts.  He's running constantly and seems unable to use slow walking feet.  I'm really trying to be patient but I only have so much patience to go around. Hopefully,  everything will slow down after this week is over.  We need to get into a return to some sort of routine before the summer arrives.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and…


Gavin’s Artwork: 04/30/2012

Gavin received this rainbow art thingy for Christmas.  I'm not sure why he waited until now to open this art kit but he did.  This is he first creation. He wanted me to share this with all of you before he gave it to Grandma's. I hope you enjoy it.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Woke up by gunshots

Lizze and I both woke up to the sound of gunshots.  I'm not sure what time it is but it's well after 1am. I'm not sure how close they were but they were really loud. It's kind hard to go back to sleep after hearing something like that. At least the boys slept through it.  I don't want to have to explain what that noise was. Gonna try to get back to sleep. I hope no one was hurt..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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Three’s a crowd

The last couple of nights Emmett hasn't been sleeping well.  Around midnight,  he makes his way into our bed and takes up all my space.  I'm not sure what's going on with him at moment but this doesn't promote a restful sleep as I end up on the couch. Then of course there's Bella. She follows Emmett and takes up the rest of my side of the bed.  It really doesn't bother me and in a way it's kinda cute. If I wanted to sleep in my bed I would just move Emmett back into his. However, if he sleeps better than it's totally worth it.  :-) I took this picture last night before moving to the couch. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our…

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