I have a confession to make: 05/02/2012

A few weeks ago,  the Easter Bunny brought the kids these plastic hollow animals,  filled with these tiny little candy balls.  When you push down on the head,  the animal poops out the candy into an Easter basket. I'm not sure what the Easter Bunny was thinking but I would guess it had something to be really tired and stressed out.  Perhaps a little Lost and Tired.  ;-) I hate these stupid things. The head of the animals makes this constant noise.  In the case of the cow featured in this post,  it would moo constantly.  They are touch sensitive and so the damn thing would go off every time the boys would run around the house. I couldn't take it anymore.  I snapped. That goddamn cow would not stop…


The Squishy Couch

I've received a few questions today about the legendary squishy couch I refer to from time to time.  I thought I would explain. For those of you out there wondering what I'm referring to when I say squishy couch,  this one's for you. The Squishy couch was born out of necessity.  Originally,  when Elliott was having a really hard time sleeping and we ended up down stairs in the middle of the night,  I needed a way to make him feel safe.  He would wake up with the sensation that he was falling and be terrified. So one night I decided to try pushing the couches together.  I explained to him that there was no way he could fall now.. It worked,  thus the squishy couch was born. Now it's…


The last one standing

Tonight Emmett had Dr.  Patti.  It's the last remaining therapy he has left. He spent most of the time playing with the all knowing and always awesome Dr.  Patti. He loves the play kitchen and spent the entire time cooking dinner for Dr. Patti and rearranging the kitchen to his liking. It was really nice to see him just be a kid for a little while. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Gavin’s 48 hour VEEG: Update

Lizze has spoken with the doctors today and has learned some new things about what's going on. The good news is that the meds seem to be working at this point or he just hasn't had any seizures today. They went over the first 24 hours of the EEG and said that something interesting. Apparently,  there is a specific brain wave that is present in many kids that have seizures and it's presents in between each seizure. Gavin has that brain wave pattern. We are totally new to the whole seizures thing and so I'm not totally sure what everything means, but I'm learning. Aside from that, they haven't even been able to induce a seizure in him. I would think that is a good thing, right? They told Lizze…


#Autism: Heartbreaking regression

Please be aware that I'm venting in this post and use some colorful language in the process.  Sorry Mom... I had our brief IEP meeting with Gavin's school today.  Man....the hits just keep coming.  Part of Gavin's MFE was to repeat his intelligence testing.  This is important for several reasons but for us,  right now,  it gives us an idea of where he is now,  compared to where he was. Unfortunately,  Gavin's score has dropped across the board.  I'm not looking at the paper work right now but one category he went from a 109 previously,  to a current score of 94. So while he has dropped across the board,  some aren't as bad as others. The major concern right now was his score on the Composite Memory Index.  Previously…


Surviving Solo: The first 24 hours

As if this week wasn't challenging enough,  I've had to add two more appointments to the ever growing list of things going on this week. Today, I have some running around to do but I get to drop Emmett off with my Mom for a little while first.  When I'm done,  I'll pick him up and try to get him his nap.  Then Emmett and I will pick up Elliott from school.  While we're there,  I have to somehow have Gavin's IEP meeting,  while watching both kids. It should be short and sweet but challenging nonetheless.  When we finally get home,  I'll have time to get the boys dinner and pack them both up so they can see Dr.  Pattie tonight. Hopefully,  I survive that long.  I'm so tired it's…


#Autism: Seizures and 48hr EEG’s

Gavin has just about finished up his first 24 hours as well as Lizze's patience. He is treating the nurses like maids and is being very dramatic. He has yet to have a seizure,  which is a good thing.  They said this was not about proving he has seizures (because we already know he is),  it's about figuring out whether or not his meds are working. It's looking as though they are. I don't know if they will cut the testing short yet.  Lizze and I haven't been away from each other for 2 days since my days as a paramedic. It's really strange not having her here.  Gavin would be in school right now so it's not a huge difference. Aside from Gavin's demanding and dramatic ways,  he's constantly…


Today’s Victory: 05/01/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr. Elliott Richard.  We had some running around to do and Emmett was all over er the place. Then Elliott decided to teach Emmett how to sit crisscross applesauce. Nicely done Elliott. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store