#Autism: Coping with bad news
I have been trying to process all of this new information about Gavin’s health. To be completely honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Thinking about everything Gavin has been officially diagnosed with is breaking my heart and scaring me to death. So far Gavin has been diagnosed with Aspergers, OCD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Schizoaffective disorder, Asthma, PTSD, Primary immunodeficiency, an exotic degenerative neurological disease and now epilepsy. It's a long list of mostly rare and unusual disorders. This also doesn't include Dysautonomia, which he is going to the Cleveland Clinic on Friday for. Some of these are very serious and others are simply challenging. Not only do I live in fear of where this journey is going to take us but also what it may take from us.…